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  1. Book of Kells, Dublin, ne dispose pas de parking public. Cependant, plusieurs possibilités de stationnement sont disponibles à proximité pour les visiteurs. Horaires du Livre de Kells. L'exposition Book of Kells ouvre au public à 8.30h6.30 et ferme à XNUMXhXNUMX du lundi au samedi d'avril à septembre.

  2. Book of Kells Exhibition The ninth-century Book of Kells with its magnificent artistry and ornamentation is a unique icon admired by millions and recognised by UNESCO as a 'Memory of the World'. Over a million people every year come to admire the Long Room, view the Book of Kells and learn about the legacy of early Irish manuscripts at Trinity College Dublin.

  3. 4 de fev. de 2024 · During the invasion of Oliver Cromwell, the Book of Kells was sent to Dublin to prevent any damage. In 1661, Bishop Henry Jones donated the Book of Kells to Trinity College, where it's still on display. There are usually two of the four volumes on display, and the pages are turned after some time.

  4. 14 de jan. de 2022 · 5. The book was sent to Dublin for safekeeping when Cromwell arrived in Ireland. The book remained at Kells up until the 17th century, when Oliver Cromwell and his New Model Army arrived in Ireland. Viciously anti-Catholic and known for their brutality, Cromwell’s troops laid waste and pillaged much of the east of Ireland.

  5. Located in the heart of Dublin City, a walk through the cobbled stones of Trinity College Dublin will bring visitors back to the 18th century, when the magnificent Old Library building was constructed. Inside is housed the Book of Kells - a 9th-century gospel manuscript famous throughout the world. Visitors are welcomed by our friendly staff ...

  6. Das Trinity College mit seiner Alten Bibliothek, die auch ohne das Book of Kells einen Besuch wert ist, liegt im Herzen von Dublin und ist mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln gut zu erreichen. Die DART -Haltestellen (Dublin Area Rapid Transit) Pearse Street und Conolly Station sind einen Fußmarsch entfernt, auch die Dubliner Tram ( LUAS ) hält nicht weit vom Gelände an der Lower Abbey Street.

  7. Ticketpreis für Book of Kells Dublin. Tickets für die Book of Kells-Führung kostet 72 € für Personen über 13 Jahre. Kinder zwischen vier und zwölf Jahren erhalten eine Ermäßigung und zahlen nur 12 € für die Tour. Kleinkinder unter drei Jahren benötigen kein Ticket und können kostenlos an der Tour teilnehmen.