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  1. 22 de ago. de 2024 · George Bernard Shaw (Dublín, 26 de julio de 1856-Ayot St. Lawrence, 2 de noviembre de 1950), conocido a petición del propio autor como Bernard Shaw, fue un dramaturgo, crítico y polemista irlandés cuya influencia en el teatro, la cultura y la política occidentales se extiende desde 1880 hasta nuestros días.

  2. George Bernard Shaw [Šó] (* 26. júl 1856, Dublin, Írsko – † 2. november 1950 Ayot St. Lawrence, Spojené kráľovstvo), bol anglický dramatik a esejista írskeho pôvodu a nositeľ Nobelovej ceny za literatúru v roku 1925.

  3. George Bernard Shaw naît à Dublin le 26 juillet 1856 dans une famille protestante de descendance anglaise issue de la petite bourgeoisie. Il est le plus jeune et l’unique garçon des quatre enfants que compte la famille.

  4. 15 de fev. de 2007 · Filho de uma família protestante, Bernard Shaw teve uma instrução irregular, recebendo aulas particulares de um tio.Aos 16 anos seus pais se separaram e sua mãe e sua irmã foram morar em Londres. Ele ficou

  5. George Bernard Shaw a (magyarul) George Bernard Shaw művei a Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtárban; Az világirodalmi arcképcsarnokban; George Bernard Shaw and the History of Vegetarianism and his works related to vegetarianism; Biography in The World & I magazine "Excerpt from Caesar and Cleopatra" Creative Commons audio recording.

  6. 26 de fev. de 2018 · George Bernard Shaw is a model to all struggling writers. Throughout his 30s, he wrote five novels – all of them failed. Yet, he did not let that deter him. It was not until 1894, at the age of 38, that his dramatic work made its professional debut.

  7. George Bernard Shaw, the commentator and theatre critic, became an author to illustrate his criticisms of contemporary British theater. He made his debut with Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant (1898) and asserted that art should be didactic and discuss social issues. Shaw’s plays are characterized by satire, provocation and allegories.

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