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  1. 他在加州大学的同事Peter Bickel说,布莱克维尔擅长将复杂问题简单化。他独立发明的“动态规划”(dynamic programming)广泛应用于金融以及多个科学领域;他的“更新定理”(renewal theorem)如今也依然运用在工程学多个领域;他创立的“Rao-Blackwell”定理是现代统计学的基础性概念。

  2. David Blackwell was awarded the National Medal of Science for fundamental contributions to probability theory, mathematical statistics, information theory, mathematical logic, and Blackwell games, which have had a lasting impact on critical endeavors such as drug testing, computer communications, and manufacturing.

  3. David Blackwell permaneceu na Universidade da Califórnia até se ter aposentado em 1989. Morreu com 91 anos, no dia 8 de Julho de 2010. Fontes: PUCRS [On line].

  4. 19 de mar. de 2024 · David Blackwell morreu em 2010 aos 91 anos. Para compartilhar: David Blackwell. homenagem. IA. nvidia. superchip. Compartilhe: Copie a URL: Copiar. Mundo 05/09/24. Macron nomeia Michel Barnier ...

  5. 6 de ago. de 2010 · David Blackwell was an outstanding statistician and mathematician, who contributed fundamental insights in many areas. In game theory, he provided a number of important results. One of them is a central tool known as the “Blackwell approachability theorem” (An analog of the minimax theorem for vector payoffs, Pacific J. Math. 6 (1956), 1-8.)

  6. David Harold Blackwell war eines von vier Kindern eines Eisenbahnarbeiters. Er studierte ab 1935 mit dem Ziel Schullehrer zu werden an der University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, wo er 1938 seinen Bachelor und 1939 seinen Master-Abschluss machte. 1941 wurde er dort mit einer Arbeit über die Eigenschaften von Markow-Ketten (Properties of Markov Chains) promoviert.

  7. David Harold Blackwell foi um matemático estadunidense. Foi Professor Emérito de estatística da Universidade da Califórnia em Berkeley.