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  1. Regarding the term "dragon" and "wyrm" Wyrm is known in English to depict the creature fought by the hero Beowulf. That creature is either referred as "wyrm" or "draca". For any decent Tolkien reader (which I am not) this is totally important just because Tolkien was a huge fan of Beowulf and his depiction of Smaug is rooted in that fight.

  2. 树林熊. . 龙与地下城,中世纪中晚期和现代早期历史. 除了Wyvern的另外三个,不在放在特定的环境下不能具体说明,总的来说这些都是指西方龙. 万智牌里drake是小的龙,wyrm是地上爬不喷火的龙. 不喷火的魔戒里叫cold drake还是cold dragon. 黑暗世界里wyrm指的是影界的 ...

  3. 稍微查了一下,发现二者是有些不同的。. 首先 wyrm 不是一个规范的现代英语单词,它实际上就是现在的 worm,平时用来指代蠕虫之类的东西。. 那么为什么会和 dragon 扯上关系呢?. 因为实际上 worm 的意思包括“serpent, snake, dragon, reptile”。. 也就是说它既可以说是 ...

  4. 知乎,让每一次点击都充满意义 —— 欢迎来到知乎,发现问题背后的世界。

  5. 23 de jul. de 2017 · The epic poem of Beowulf was the first to describe a dragon/wyrm as having a fiery breath and bat-wings. Lindworms are often pictured in Romanesque art adorned with wings. Does anyone have a clue, at what stage, and under influence from what cultural tradition, did wings (and fiery breath) get added to the dragon as to arrive to our modern ...

  6. 20 de jun. de 2017 · wyrm可以指“蛇,龙(划重点),大蠕虫,大海蛇”等等。但你翻译出个“法力大蠕虫”像话么?书卷大蠕虫又是啥鬼啊。dragon原本和wyrm接近,但现在只是那种四足,有翼,会吐息,可能有智慧的玩意了。

  7. 26 de out. de 2023 · 小鱼脱口秀:高考1900分的广西小伙,全场爆梗

  8. 11 de jan. de 2018 · As in the title, are there any four-armed (two-legged) deities or creatures in the Greek or Roman pantheons? Essentially the morphological opposite of centaurs, in terms of limb numbers.

  9. The myth of dragons can be found in many different traditions, with the major two being the European dragon and the Chinese dragon. "There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the

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