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  1. Ratificação é o processo pelo qual uma legislação ou tratado passa a ter efeito legal vinculativo para as suas entidades signatárias. [ 1] Para ser ratificado, o tratado ou lei necessita receber uma maioria de votos da Casa Legislativa, ou de países, no caso de tratados internacionais.

  2. › wiki › RatificationRatification - Wikipedia

    Ratification is a principal's legal confirmation of an act of its agent. In international law, ratification is the process by which a state declares its consent to be bound to a treaty.

  3. Ratification by the 13 colonies took more than three years and was completed March 1, 1781. The Articles gave little power to the central government. While the Confederation Congress had some decision-making abilities, it lacked enforcement powers.

  4. Ratification is the confirmation of a treaty. Treaties are signed by members of the government of a country. Many treaties make a country do something, or change the law of the countries which agree to it.

  5. The requirement of ratification by nine states, set by Article Seven of the Constitution, was met when New Hampshire voted to ratify, on June 21, 1788. In New York, fully two thirds of the convention delegates were at first opposed to the Constitution.

  6. It was a response to concerns raised during the ratification of the Constitution that the power of Congress to disarm the state militias and create a national standing army posed an intolerable threat to the sovereignty of the several States.

  7. The ratification process for the Constitution began that day, and ended when the final state, Rhode Island, ratified it on May 29, 1790.