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  1. She bore two sons, but short of life were they, godlike Otus, and far-famed Ephialtes—men whom the earth, the giver of grain, reared as the tallest, [310] and far the comeliest, after the famous Orion. For at nine years they were nine cubits in breadth and in height nine fathoms.

  2. Odysseus tells his tale to Alcinous and the Phaeacians, including his encounter with the ghosts of the dead. He learns of his mother's fate, his wife's loyalty, and his own destiny from Tiresias and other shades.

  3. Read the eleventh book of The Odyssey, where Odysseus visits the dead and consults Teiresias about his homecoming. Learn about his encounters with the ghosts of Elpenor, Anticlea, and the Theban seer, and his prophecy of his future troubles.

    • Contents
    • Bkxi:1-50 Odysseus Tells His Tale: Ghosts Out of Erebus
    • Bkxi:51-89 Odysseus Tells His Tale: The Soul of Elpenor
    • Bkxi:90-149 Odysseus Tells His Tale: The Ghost of Teiresias
    • Bkxi:150-224 Odysseus Tells His Tale: The Spirit of Anticleia
    • Bkxi:225-332 Odysseus Tells His Tale: The Ghosts of Famous Women
    • Bkxi:333-384 Alcinous Asks Odysseus to Continue His Narration
    • Bkxi:385-464 Odysseus Tells His Tale: The Ghost of Agamemnon
    • Bkxi:465-540 Odysseus Tells His Tale: The Spirit of Achilles
    • Bkxi:541-592 Odysseus Tells His Tale: The Ghost of Ajax and Others

    ‘On reaching the shore, we dragged the vessel down to the glittering sea, and set up mast and sail in our black ship. Then we hauled the sheep aboard, and embarked ourselves, weeping, shedding huge tears. Still, Circeof the lovely tresses, dread goddess with a human voice, sent us a good companion to help us, a fresh wind from astern of our dark-pr...

    ‘The first ghost to appear was that of my comrade Elpenor. He had not yet been buried beneath the broad-tracked earth, for we left his corpse behind in Circe’s hall, unburied and unwept, while another more urgent task drove us on. I wept now when I saw him, and pitied him, and I spoke to him with winged words: “Elpenor, how came you here, to the gl...

    ‘Then the ghost of Theban Teiresias appeared, carrying his golden staff, ad he knew me, and spoke: “Odysseus, man of many resources, scion of Zeus, son of Laertes, how now, luckless man? Why have you left the sunlight, to view the dead in this joyless place? Move back from the trench and turn aside your blade so I may drink the blood, and prophesy ...

    ‘With this the ghost of Lord Teiresias, its prophecy complete, drew back to the House of Hades. But I remained, undaunted, till my mother approached and drank the black blood. Then she knew me, and in sorrow spoke to me with winged words: “My son, how do you come, living, to the gloomy dark? It is difficult for those alive to find these realms, sin...

    ‘So we talked together, and then the women, the wives and daughters of heroes came, sent by royal Persephone. A crowd they thronged around the black blood, and I considered how best to question them, and this was my idea: to draw my long sword from its sheath, and prevent them drinking of the blood together. Then each came forward, one by one, and ...

    So Odysseus spoke. Spellbound at his words, all had fallen silent in the darkened hall. White-armed Arete was the first of the gathering to speak: ‘Phaeacians, what do you think of this man’s looks, his stature, and judgement? He is my guest, as well, though you all share in that honour. So don’t be in a hurry to send him on his way, nor fail in ge...

    ‘When sacred Persephone had dispersed the female spirits, the ghost of Agamemnon, son of Atreus, came sorrowing, and other ghosts were gathered round him, those who met their fate alongside him, murdered in Aegisthus’ palace. Drinking the black blood he knew me, and wept loudly, shedding great tears, stretching his hands out in his eagerness to tou...

    ‘So we stood, exchanging words of sadness, grieving and shedding tears. And now the spirit of Achilles son of Peleus appeared, and the spirits of Patroclus and peerless Antilochus, and Ajax who for beauty and stature was supreme among the Danaans, save only for Peleus’ flawless son. And the ghost of swift-footed Achilles, grandson of Aeacus, knew m...

    ‘The other ghosts of the dead departed stood there sorrowing, and each asked me about their dear ones. Only the spirit of Ajax, Telamon’s son, stood apart, still angered over my victory in the contest by the ships, for Achilles’ weapons. Achilles’ divine mother, Thetis, had offered them as a prize, with the Trojan prisoners and Pallas Athene hersel...

  4. Read the full text of Book XI of The Odyssey, where Odysseus visits the dead and consults Teiresias about his homecoming. Learn about the prophecy, the ghosts, and the warnings of Neptune.

  5. Odysseus and his men face more dangers and temptations on their way home from Troy. They encounter the Laestrygonians, Circe, the dead, and the prophet Tiresias, who reveals Odysseus's fate.

  6. The Odyssey. By Homer. Written 800 B.C.E. Translated by Samuel Butler. The Odyssey has been divided into the following sections: Download: A 596k text-only version is available for download . The Odyssey by Homer, part of the Internet Classics Archive.