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  1. 2016 · Film. Two Jesuit priests travel to seventeenth century Japan which has, under the Tokugawa shogunate, banned Catholicism and almost all foreign contact. Written by. Jay Cocks and Martin Scorsese. Film. Drama. History. Where to Watch.

  2. UNZEN HOT SPRINGS DAY 1. The faces of FIVE MEN appear out of a thick cloud of mist rising off a seething lake of boiling water. They look like pale phantoms. Terrified. We HEAR the voice of FATHER CHRISTOVAO FERREIRA. Strong. Resolute. FERREIRA (V.O.) (reading) "Good Friday, 1633. Pax Christi.

    • 260KB
    • 132
  3. Silence (2016) - full transcript. The story of two Catholic missionaries (Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver) who face the ultimate test of faith when they travel to Japan in search of their missing mentor (Liam Neeson) - at a time when Catholicism was outlawed and their presence forbidden.

  4. Universal Silent Aim For Roblox. Contribute to Averiias/Universal-SilentAim development by creating an account on GitHub.

    • Thomas Harris
    • CLOSE ON
    • BRIGHAM (O.S.)
    • ARDELIA (grins )
    • CHILTON (O.S.)
    • CHILTON (annoyed )
    • BARNEY
    • DR. LECTER
    • DR. LECTER
    • DR. LECTER
    • MIGGS
    • DR. LECTER (O.S.)
    • DR. LECTER
    • CLOSE ON
    • MR. YOW (O.S.)
    • MR. YOW (O.S.)
    • CLARICE (O.S.)
    • DR. LECTER
    • CODY
    • A MAN
    • MAN

    This screenplay has been converted to a PDF

    A woman's face BACKS INTO SHOT, her head grimy wallpaper. She is tense, sweaty, concentration. This is CLARICE STARLING, very pretty. She wears Kevlar body armor windbreaker, khaki pants. Her thick hair is navy baseball cap. A revolver, clutched in hovers by her ear. She raises a speedloader, hand, locks it into her cylinder, twists and

    A guest room door, with a small, wired pack its knob. Suddenly, wish a sharp CRACK!, the explodes, and the door bursts open.

    as she runs around a corner, through a cloud shoulders aside the shattered door and rushes at the ready in both hands... CUT TO:

    all natural SOUND suspended - as the Suspect with a strange, pleading expression. The in his hands, but oddly enough, it is held chest, not pointing. Then another puzzling registers...

    are taped to his gun, away from the trigger; use it even if he tried. Suddenly we hear a CLICK, which registers with unnatural Clarice reacts, drops to the floor, rolling

    pulls a revolver out from behind her back, MOTION, raising it in her untied hands. She repeatedly, flames leaping from the muzzle; an echoing roar in these close quarters, but Clarice has come up on one knee, beside an is already firing back herself, two quick send - THE "HOSTAGE" pitching over the bed, backwards, to shudder in a haze of gunsmoke. ...

    Okay, people, good exercise... Clarice relaxes, lowering her gun. The lights

    Starling's reaction time was excellent. Let's break. Critique in five. A class of about forty young FBI trainees, begins to rise from their seats, mingling Clarice nods amiably to the "Suspect", then "Hostage" a hand up. It's ARDELIA MAPP, her broad, clever face breaks into a big smile, remove ear plugs. Clarice's voice has just southern accent.

    Damn, Clarice, how'd you make me? CLARICE (indicating ) her gun Never cock. Just squeeze.

    I love it when you talk dirty. As Brigham joins them, Clarice can't resist little smile of pride. He frowns good-naturedly.

    What're you laughin' at, Junior G-Man? She got off four rounds to your two. He takes out a steel-coiled grip flexer, palm. BRIGHAM (continuing ) One hundred reps, each hand, every day. Now tidy up, the Section Chief wants to see you. He nods a direction, then moves off. Clarice, smile finally fading, looks out into the

    Stay cool. Just remember to call him "God." CUT TO:

    Crawford is watching a group of trainees on range, as Clarice joins him. He looks tired, Between master and student, we sense a subtle, of sexuality.

    Your instructors tell me you're doing well. Top quarter of the class.

    A job's come up and I thought about you. Not really a job, more of - an interesting errand. Walk me to my car, Starling. They begin to cross the academy grounds. A trainees jogs by, in matching sweats, following coach. CRAWFORD (continuing) We're trying to interview all of the serial killers now in custody, for a psychobehavioral profile. Could be ...

    You see, the one we want most refuses to cooperate. I want you to go after him again today, in the asylum.

    The psychiatrist - Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Clarice stops walking, goes very still. A

    The cannibal... Crawford doesn't respond, except to study CLARICE (continuing) Yes, well... Okay, right. I'm glad for the chance, sir, but - why me?

    Be very careful with Hannibal Lecter. Dr. Chilton at the asylum will go over the physical procedures used with him. (more) CRAWFORD (cont'd) Do not deviate from them, for any reason. You tell him nothing personal, Starling. Believe me, you don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head... Just do your job, but never forget what he is. CLARICE (a bit u...

    CLOSE ON an ID card held in a male hand. official-looking graphics. It calls her a Investigator."

    It's so rare to capture one alive. From a research point of view, Dr. Lecter is our most prized asset... DR. FREDERICK CHILTON looks up from her card. little peacock, behind a vast desk; he's instant, hopeless letch for Clarice. He her card with his beloved gold pen.

    You know, we get a lot of detectives here, but I must say, I can't ever remember one so attractive...

    now wearing a more feminine skirt suit. Hair coiled, elegant shoulder bag, briefcase. He left her standing.

    Will you be in Baltimore overnight...? Because this can be quite a fun town, if you have the right guide. Clarice tires, unsuccessfully, to hide her him.

    I'm sure it's a great town, Dr. Chilton, but my instructions are to talk to Lecter and report back this afternoon. CHILTON (pause, sourly ) I see. (beat) Let's make this quick, then. I'm busy. CUT TO:

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

    He peels back the collar of her blouse, tag. MAN (continuing) Good. He carefully slits her blouse up the back, bandage scissors, peeling apart the two bra strap. He strokes her bare skin delicately, happily. MAN (continuing) Gooood... CUT TO: EXT. THE PARKING - IGHT LOT LOW ANGLE - CLOSE - on Catherine's grocery blouse is tossed out beside it. SOUN...

  5. How can I explain his silence to these people, who have endured so much? I need all my strength to understand it myself. This may be my last report to you, Father. Today we hear the guards, are in the mountains looking for us. So we have decided it would be safer to separate. So you were right? If we left, they might still be alive.

  6. Silence. Synopsis: Two 17th-century Portuguese missionaries, Father Sebastian Rodrigues (Andrew Garfield) and Father Francisco Garupe (Adam Driver), embark on a perilous journey to Japan to find their missing mentor (Liam Neeson).

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