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  1. 9 de ago. de 2016 · O teólogo estadunidense Matthew Fox (foto) é muito conhecido na Itália pelo seu livro In principio era la gioia [No princípio era a alegria] (Ed. Fazi, 2011), de cujo sucesso editorial também surgiu uma associação cultural que se dedica à difusão do seu pensamento (

  2. Matthew Fox holds a doctorate in spirituality from the Institut Catholique de Paris and has authored 35 books on spirituality and contemporary culture that have been translated into 60 languages. Fox has devoted 45 years to developing and teaching the tradition of Creation Spirituality and in doing so has reinvented forms of education and worship.

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    • A New Vision of Pedagogy
    • New Vision of Rituals
    • Order of The Sacred Earth
    • A New Vision in Activism: The 95 Theses
    • Recognition

    Seeking to establish a new pedagogy for learning spirituality melding the ancient Western wisdom tradition with contemporary scientists and modern mystics, Fox founded the Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality that operated for seven years at Mundelein College in Chicago and twelve years at Holy Names College in Oakland. Key to the pedagog...

    In a conscious effort to reinvigorate Western ritual, Fox deconstructed forms of worship inherited from the modern era (such as sitting in benches and being read to, preached at or reading from books including song books) and reconstructed these forms of worship by going back to the pre-modern practice of dance and post-modern art forms. The result...

    More recently Fox, along with Skylar Wilson and Jennifer Listug, launched a new “intergenerational vision of love and action” called the Order of the Sacred Earth. Together they authored a book Order of the Sacred Earth which proposes a new spiritual (not religious) order that invites all people of varied belief systems (or non-belief systems) into...

    In 2005, when Cardinal Ratzinger was made pope, Fox went to Martin Luther’s church in Wittenberg, Germany and pounded 95 contemporary theses at the door to call people to a New Reformation. Six years later, after documenting 30 years of Vatican corruption in the reigns of John Paul II and Benedict VI in The Pope’s War: Why Ratzinger’s Secret Crusad...

    Fox is a recipient of the Abbey Courage of Conscience Peace Award (other recipients include the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Ernesto Cardenal, Maya Angelous and Rosa Parks); the Ghandi King Ikeda Award; the Tikkun National Ethics Award; the Sufi International Peace Award and other awards. His work has been honored by theologians, artists, healers and...

  3. Matthew Fox é teólogo e padre da Igreja Episcopal dos Estados Unidos (Comunhão Anglicana). Doutor em história e teologia da espiritualidade pelo Institut Catholique de Paris, Fox é um dos fundadores da University of Creation Spirituality, tendo contribuído muito para a redescoberta do pensamento místico de autores como Hildegard de ...

  4. Week of 8/19-24/2024: Hope from Brazil, Inspiration from the DNC, plus Matthew’s New Book! August 19, 2024: Leonardo Boff: Hope from Brazil re Kamala Harris for PresidentMatthew shares an article written by. Read More ». August 25, 2024 3 Comments.

  5. 17 de fev. de 2012 · Fox, um teólogo progressiva, foi forçado a sair da Ordem Dominicana em 1988 por ordem de Ratzinger, então presidente da Congregação para a Doutrina da Fé. Autor de mais de 23 livros, Fox continua ensinando e explorar as grandes questões espirituais de hoje.

  6. Em A física dos anjos , o cientista Rupert Sheldrake e o teólogo Matthew Fox constroem uma visão inovadora, profunda e inteligente sobre os anjos.