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  1. Tête de femme (Dora Maar) é uma escultura em gesso, modelada em bronze, de Pablo Picasso. Dora Maar, amante de Picasso na época, foi o tema do trabalho que foi originalmente concebido em 1941. Quatro cópias do busto foram lançadas na década de 1950, vários anos após o término do relacionamento.

  2. Tête de femme (Dora Maar) is a plaster-modelled, bronze-cast sculpture by Pablo Picasso. Dora Maar, Picasso's lover at the time, was the subject of the work which was originally conceived in 1941. Four copies of the bust were cast in the 1950s, several years after the relationship ended.

  3. 6 de fev. de 2008 · Cabeça de Mulher, de Picasso. ‘Tête de femme’ (‘La Lectrice-Dora Maar’) pertence a uma série de pinturas nas quais Picasso [1881-1973] representou a pintora, fotógrafa e poeta francesa, que foi sua amante e companheira artística nos finais do anos 30 e princípios de 40.

  4. Picasso painted this appealingly characterized Tête de femme in the summer of 1937. Its lively charm may seem unexpected in light of the tragic works that bracket it.

  5. An icon of the pre-war period, Pablo Picassos Tête de femme is an ode to Dora Marr, the artist’s great wartime mistress, muse, and intellectual match.

  6. Bust of Woman with Hat 2. Head of a Woman. Portrait `a young princess According to operative Mills of the MaМtre. Portrait of Dora Maar with blue eyes. Man sitting knitting striped. Portrait of Dora Maar with Hat. Woman sitting in a gray chair. Woman head with two profiles. Still Life with Fruit.

  7. Picasso met Surrealist photographer Dora Maar in the winter of 1935–36 and the two were lovers until the early 1940s, through the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War and the outbreak of World War II. In addition to her involvement in Surrealist circles, Maar was active in leftist political causes.