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  1. Great Balls Of Fire is a very happy song by Jerry Lee Lewis with a tempo of 167 BPM. It can also be used half-time at 84 BPM. The track runs 1 minute and 46 seconds long with a C key and a major mode. It has high energy and is somewhat danceable with a time signature of 4 beats per bar.

  2. Great Balls Of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis has a tempo of 79 BPM and is in the G Minor key. View more information and recommendations about this song.

  3. It is track number 8 in the album Jerry Lee's Greatest. Great Balls Of Fire has a BPM/tempo of 79 beats per minute, is in the key of G min and has a duration of 1 minute, 51 seconds. Great Balls Of Fire is very popular on Spotify, being rated between 30 and 90% popularity on Spotify right now.

  4. Great Balls of Fire is played at 158 Beats Per Minute (Allegro), or 40 Measures/Bars Per Minute. Time Signature: 4/4. Use our Online Metronome to practice at a tempo of 158BPM.

  5. Find the key and tempo for Great Balls of Fire By Jerry Lee Lewis. Also discover the danceability, energy, liveness, instrumentalness, happiness and more musical analysis points on Musicstax.

  6. Great Balls Of Fire has a BPM/tempo of 176 beats per minute, is in the key of C Maj and has a duration of 2 minutes, 33 seconds. Great Balls Of Fire is very popular on Spotify, being rated between 30 and 90% popularity on Spotify right now.

  7. Key and song information about Great Balls Of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis