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  1. The Rider raised Thanos as his child. (Earth-18138) Marvel Zombies: Resurrection. (Earth-19121) The Defilement of All Things by the Cannibal-Sorcerer Kulan Gath. (Earth-21924) Champions: United We Stand. (Earth-22025) Darkhold: Blade.

    • Blade

      Blade worked on the "Civil War" movie (a movie which...

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      Eric Brooks (Earth-Unknown) from Marvel Comics Presents Vol...

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    • Earth-TRN523

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    • Eric Brooks

      His particular speciality is the use of edged weapons, be...

    • Elsa Bladestone

      Elsa Bladestone was the leader of the atheistic extremist...

    • Blade Comic Books

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    • Overview
    • History Early life
    • Attributes
    • Paraphernalia
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    • See Also
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    So, how many times do I have to put you in the ground? 


    Eric Brooks, also known as Blade, is a vampire hunter born from a human mother who was bitten while pregnant. As a Dhampir he possess the strengths of vampires while sparing him from their weaknesses, earning him the nickname "Daywalker." Raised in a brothel, Eric life took a dark turn when he encountered the vampire Deacon Frost, who attacked his mother. Under the tutelage of veteran vampire slayer Jamal Afari, Blade, underwent rigorous training to combat the undead. Driven by a thirst for vengeance for his mother's death, Blade became a formidable vampire hunter, often aided by allies like Quincy Harker and Rachel van Helsing.

    Blade's life became intertwined with that of the legendary vampire lord, Dracula, leading to epic battles across Europe. Despite facing setbacks, such as being bitten by Dracula himself, Blade's unique heritage granted him immunity to full vampirism. Later, Blade co-founded the Nightstalkers alongside Hannibal King and Frank Drake, forming a team dedicated to combating supernatural threats. Their ranks swelled with allies like Doctor Strange and Ghost Rider They later formed the Midnight Sons leading to encounters with malevolent forces like the Darkholders Uncovering his father's involvement in Dracula's resurrection forced Blade to confront his past and make difficult choices. Ultimately, he thwarted a prophecy and spared his father's life.


    •Dhampir Physiology: Blade was born a human/vampire hybrid, the enzymes in Blade's blood made him immune to normal vampire bites, uniquely attuned to sensing the supernatural and resistant to aging. Since being bitten by Morbius, Blade has gained many of the traditional powers of the vampire without developing their weaknesses. He has superhuman strength, senses, and stamina, plus an accelerated healing factor. After drinking the blood of Dracula, Blade became better connected to his power, allowing him to unlock new abilities. •Superhuman Senses: Blade's sense of sight and hearing are heightened to levels comparable to those possessed by true vampires. He is capable of seeing objects with perfect clarity at much greater distances than ordinary humans. He retains this same level of clarity even in near-total darkness. His hearing is similarly enhanced, allowing him to detect sounds that an ordinary human can't hear and enable him to hear sounds an ordinary human can hear but at greater distances. Blade is also able to sense the presence of supernatural beings or forces whereas an ordinary human would be oblivious to them. •Superhuman Smelling: Blade possesses an incredibly pronounced sense of smell, easily able to discern what's human and what's not even from a good distance away.[119] Jen Walters likened his olfactory senses to that of Wolverine. •Superhuman Hearing •Superhuman Strength: Blade possesses the strength of a vampire, allowing him to lift about 1 ton due to his half-vampire side. Blade has overpowered a vampiric Spider-Man, routinely makes prodigious jumps of hundreds of feet through the air, and has sufficient strength to easily rip the head off of another vampire with his bare hands. •Superhuman Speed: Blade is capable of running and moving at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete. He can also accelerate his movements to cover short distances in an instant, faster than the human eye can see, but he is not as fast as a pure vampire. His reflexes are similarly heightened. He moves so fast that everything else when compared to him, appears to be moving in slow motion. •Superhuman Agility: Blade's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. He can leap several feet into the air and is able to move, jump, climb, flip, and run at incredibly fast speeds without difficulty or exhaustion. He can perform above-human parkour feats and virtually always land on his feet. •Superhuman Stamina: Blade's musculature generates less lactic acid (i.e. muscle fatigue) during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. He can exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair him. •Superhuman Durability: Blade's Vampire/Human Hybrid tissue allows him to sustain physical trauma to a certain extent. He can withstand powerful energy blasts, exposure to temperature extremes, and great impact forces without being injured. He's been seen tanking a blast from Lilith herself and walked away with minor burns and injuries. This also contributes to his healing factor, making him more resistant than a normal human. •Regeneration: Blade, like true vampires, possesses an accelerated healing ability that allows him to heal mild to moderate injuries with much greater speed and efficiency than ordinary humans. He is capable of healing from severe slashes and puncture wounds within a matter of minutes to hours depending on the severity of the wound. Wolverine himself stated that his regeneration was almost on par with his during his fight with Blade in the Civil War. However, he is not able to regenerate missing limbs or organs. •Contaminant Transferal: Eric can take any kind of ingestible or even metaphysical ailments coursing in the system of another living being, or willingly introduced into his system and pass it along, using the same process that Vampires use to infect others.[120] He used this ability to drain away the infection which remade Robbie Reyes into a more monstrous form of Ghost Rider.[121] •Healing: Blade can also use his vampire bite to deliver cures that he has contained within his bloodstream, as he did to nullify the Roxxon B.E.R.S.E.R.K.E.R shocktrooper's hulk-like transformation abilities.[121] •Advanced Longevity: Although not a pure vampire, he does have the advantage of being a Hybrid. This includes a Pseudo-Immortality, granting Eric a greatly enhanced lifespan. This has also been noted in the Superhuman Registration act as one of his abilities. Also, no change of his appearance has been seen during his time on earth. Besides losing his hair sometimes.[citation needed] •Immunity To Vampire Vulnerabilities: True vampires have numerous and very particular supernatural vulnerabilities, most of which Blade is totally immune to. For instance, Blade is unaffected by direct exposure to sunlight, whereas most vampires are either rendered comatose during the daylight hours or are quickly incinerated when exposed directly to sunlight. Vampires are also highly allergic to silver, supposedly because of the metal's mystical purity. As a result, silver blades or bullets are capable of killing vampires. If not killed, and merely injured, it will take a vampire much longer to heal than if the injury had been inflicted by another material. Blade himself could be injured by a silver weapon, much as an ordinary human would, but his healing powers would be able to heal it as if it were an ordinary wound. Blade is also immune to the effects of religious icons, such as crucifixes, whereas vampires are rendered almost powerless when confronted by them. •Appearance Alteration: Blade seemingly possesses the ability to change to & from human form to a more monstrous state of being by force of will.[122] After drinking the blood of Dracula, Blade gained the ability to transform into a swarm of bats, a dark mist, and a wolf. •Animal Form •Winged Flight: Blade's transformed state comes with the added proclivity of bat like aviary appendages that enable him to fly around at high speed.[122] •Gaseous Form: When in his mist form, Blade is capable of entering the bodies of multiple vampires and cause them to all explode at once. •Self-Exorcism: Blade is capable of forcibly removing possessing entities from his own body, such as demons. He can also maintain control over his body while he is possessed. •Magic: Though rarely displayed, Blade possesses some skill with magic. He knows one spell that allows him to trap and contain vampires inside a mystical artifact.[123] Former Powers As Switchblade, Blade was the embodiment of the Demogorge, during this time he was drawn to mystical power and gained numerous new powers, by absorbing them from those he had killed. •Vampirism •Healing •Mystical powers of Modred the Mystic •Clairvoyance •Lycanthropy •Powers of the Spirit of Vengeance •Weapon Conjuring


    •Master Martial Artist: Blade is a master martial artist proficient in practically every form of weaponry known to man. After training with Jamal Afari and various other private instructors, his main form of combat is a mixture of Boxing, Capoeira, Escrima, Jeet Kune Do, Hapkido, Jujutsu, Shotokan Karate, Kung Fu, and Ninjutsu.[citation needed] He is also proficient in krav maga. •Expert Marksman: He can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim and is well-versed in the use of firearms. •Expert Swordsman: His particular specialty is the use of edged weapons, be they teakwood daggers or swords. •Weapons Proficiency: Blade is practically proficient in every form of weaponry known to man. His particular speciality is the use of edged weapons, be they teakwood daggers or swords. Blade is a master in the use of small bladed weapons and can hurl knives with great accuracy. Blade also shows great skill with firearms, including both automatic and semi-automatic, which he often modifies to fire hollow-point, garlic-filled silver bullets. •Occult Knowledge: Blade has exceptional knowledge and understanding of magic and the supernatural. He was capable of quickly identifying a demon by its attributes. As Spider Hero, he showed exceptional magical knowledge, as he assumed Photon's mimicry of Shuma-Gorath's magic sigils would buy them time. He also guided Power Man to utilize his Chi in greater and more diverse ways than ever before. •Intimidation: Blade is well-known and feared among vampires and other supernatural beings who are hesitant about ever facing him in combat or invoking his wrath. •Multilingual: Blade is fluent in English, German, Romanian, and Japanese. He might be lingual in other languages.[citation needed] •Expert Vehicular Driver: He is proficient in driving cars, motorcycles, and various other vehicles when needed.[citation needed]


    •Blade does possess one weakness common to all vampires: the need to ingest fresh blood in order to stay alive. However, rather than consume blood, he ingests or injects a specially designed serum that provides even better nourishment that blood would provide. If Blade doesn't drink the serum for an extended period of time, he will weaken and his self-control will be stretched. He would be forced to attack a human and consume his or her blood if this period is more than a week. Blade does have a special meditation to maintain his self-control and a huge amount of blood-serum in his inventory. One serum is enough for 24 hours of extended combat or he can use it to quickly recover from grave wounds. However, an extended period of time without consuming either blood or the serum could prove fatal.[124] •Vulnerability to Red Sunlight: While not affected by normal (yellow) sunlight and immune to all the weaknesses of traditional vampires, Blade has been shown to be vulnerable to red sunlight which is able to burn his skin. Longer exposure to red sunlight can be fatal.[125]


    Former Equipment Boy-Thing: While on a mission to the Ravenstarr Maximum-Security Prison Galaxy, Boy-Thing merged with Blade to protect him from the stars which were killing him due to being unlike Earth's sun. Boy-Thing acted as some sort of armour, while Blade battled Silver Surfer.[126] Eye of Agamotto: During the Avengers' battle against Khonshu, Blade briefly wielded Doctor Strange's Eye of Agamotto which had been stolen from Khonshu.


    •Blade uses a small arsenal of weapons: teakwood daggers; Adamantium, acid-etched swords; Kevlar body armor; automatic and semi-automatic firearms converted for use with hollow-point, garlic-filled silver bullets; and a variety of portable, custom-designed weapons that employ silver, garlic, sunlight, ultraviolet rays, and anticoagulants. •Justiciar[127] •Blade's Sword

    •It was implied that the identity of Ronin / Spider Hero was that of Blade before it was even revealed, because of three notable hints: his interest in vampires (or as he calls them, "walkers"), his cloak that he wears which is the same as his old one, and the fact that blades are always present around him when he appears somewhere.

    •Blade was a fan of police procedural television shows which he watched while whittling stakes. He also enjoys police procedural novels as well as being a fan of the novel I Am Legend. Blade also stated that he didn't like the works of Anne Rice and would only recommend them as a cure to insomnia.[128]

    •Blade's patented black, leather trench coat once belonged to Wolverine.

    •Blade considers some of the best music albums of all time to be Miles Davis's Bitches Brew and Beyoncé's Lemonade.[129]

    •Eric is a skilled jazz trumpeter and has worked professionally as a musician.

    •344 appearance(s) of Eric Brooks (Earth-616)

    •17 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Eric Brooks (Earth-616)

    •21 minor appearance(s) of Eric Brooks (Earth-616)

    •32 mention(s) of Eric Brooks (Earth-616)

    •13 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Eric Brooks (Earth-616)

    •480 image(s) of Eric Brooks (Earth-616)

  2. See: Blade Comic Books Category for a complete list. See: Blade for all the variations of the subject on the site. See: Blade for the main version of the subject.

  3. Blade (birth name: Eric Cross Brooks; [2][3] legal name: Frank Blade[1][a]) is a fictional character and antihero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

  4. Blade. A human-vampire hybrid since his tragic birth, Blade has spent his long life seeking to rid the world of vampires like the one that killed his mother. Over the years, he has mastered his own style of fighting monsters of all kinds.

  5. Blade in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the second live-action incarnation of the character, following an incarnation portrayed by both Wesley Snipes and Sticky Fingaz.

  6. Blade possesses all of a vampire’s strengths without their weaknesses. He has superhuman strength, stamina, and senses, as well as an accelerated healing factor, but is impervious to sunlight and vampire bites. In addition to his supernatural abilities, he’s also an incredibly skilled fighter.

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