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  1. 18 de jun. de 2021 · Jolie and Shimizu met on the set of "Foxfire" in 1996 and fell in love, but Jolie was married to Jonny Lee Miller. Shimizu revealed she invited Jolie to her wedding in 2014, but Jolie didn't attend.

    • Delilah Gray
  2. 4 de nov. de 2021 · Jolie and Shimizu met and fell in love on the set of Foxfire in 1996. Jolie said she realized she was attracted to women and had a deep love for Shimizu, but she was already married to Jonny Lee Miller.

  3. In the mid-1990s, Shimizu had a romantic relationship with Angelina Jolie, which Jolie confirmed in a 1997 interview when she said, "I fell in love with her the first second I saw her. I would probably have married Jenny if I hadn't married my [first] husband (Jonny Lee Miller)."

  4. 22 de out. de 2020 · O casamento de Angelina Jolie e Brad Pitt chama a atenção da mídia há anos, mas o que muitos fãs não sabem é que a atriz não só namorou uma mulher, como quase se casou com ela. Angelina Jolie e Jenny Shimizu começaram a namorar pouco após as gravações do filme Rebelds (1996), no qual atuaram juntas.

  5. 20 de out. de 2019 · Pouco antes de seu casamento com Miller, Angelina Jolie viveu um relacionamento curto e intenso com a modelo e atriz Jenny Shimizu. As duas se conheceram no set de Foxfire – Confissões de uma Gangue de Garotas e a química aconteceu instantaneamente.

  6. 20 de set. de 2016 · Angelina Jolie took a lesbian lover in the 1990s, actress and model Jenny Shimizu, after Jolie was divorced from Jonny Lee Miller.

  7. 12 de dez. de 2005 · A top model Jenny Shimizu, que namorou Angelina Jolie durante dez anos, contou em entrevista ao tablóide britânico The Sun que o romance delas nunca teve um fim.