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  1. Speedtest Global Index ™. Scopri come si posiziona la rete Internet del tuo paese nello Speedtest Global Index. Ookla 5G Map ™. Scopri la tua installazione 5G più vicina sulla Ookla 5G Map. Soluzioni aziendali. Scopri come trarre vantaggio dai dati a livello aziendale sulle prestazioni della rete.

  2. In-person, hybrid and online courses have been implemented and enhanced students’ academic performance and satisfaction, and the new technology-enhanced infrastructure is now in place for the three introductory series of Italian 1, 2, and 3. We also offer a summer Travel-Study Program in Rome.

  3. The Department of Italian at UCLA offers a unique combination of literary, linguistic and cultural experience at the graduate level, making it one of the...

  4. The Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies is a new and innovative program that was established in 2020 and that brings together the former departments of French and Francophone Studies, Germanic Languages, Italian, and Scandinavian.

  5. Started during the 1979-1980 academic year in the Department of Italian at UCLA, CARTE ITALIANE is dedicated to publishing the work of graduate students and international scholars in the field of Italian Cultural Studies.

  6. A Itália é realmente cheia de surpresas agradáveis. Assim é Lucca, na região noroeste da Toscana. À primeira vista, parece uma cidade pequenina. Mas, basta atravessar suas muralhas ainda tão bem preservadas e começar a caminhar que logo se entende porque tantas bicicletas circulam por ali.

  7. Historically, the departments that are now included in ELTS are focused on the study of French, Italian, Germanic and Scandinavian languages, with an emphasis on their cultures and literature throughout the world.