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  1. 2 de set. de 2024 · The New Deal was a sweeping package of public works projects, federal regulations, and financial system reforms that the United States federal government enacted to help the nation survive and recover from the Great Depression of the 1930s.

    • Corpo de Conservação Civil (CCC) O Corpo de Conservação Civil foi criado em 1933 por FDR para combater o desemprego. Este programa de alívio do trabalho teve o efeito desejado, proporcionando empregos para muitos milhares de americanos durante a Grande Depressão.
    • Administração de Obras Civis (CWA) A Administração de Obras Civis também foi formada em 1933 para criar empregos para os desempregados. Seu foco em empregos bem remunerados no setor de construção resultou em uma despesa muito maior para o governo federal do que o inicialmente previsto.
    • Administração Federal de Habitação (FHA) A Federal Housing Administration é uma agência governamental que FDR estabeleceu em 1934 para combater a crise habitacional da Grande Depressão.
    • Agência Federal de Segurança (FSA) A Agência Federal de Segurança, criada em 1939, era responsável pela supervisão de várias entidades governamentais importantes.
    • Overview
    • The Hundred Days
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    •The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) brought relief to farmers by paying them to curtail production, reducing surpluses, and raising prices for agricultural products.

    •The Public Works Administration (PWA) reduced unemployment by hiring the unemployed to build new public buildings, roads, bridges, and subways.

    •The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) employed hundreds of thousands of young men in reforestation and flood-control work.

    •The National Recovery Administration (NRA) established codes to eliminate unfair practices, establish minimum wages and maximum hours, and guarantee the right of collective bargaining.

    •The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) brought cheap electricity to people in seven states.

    •The Home Owners’ Refinancing Act provided mortgage relief to the unemployed.

    Much of the New Deal legislation was enacted within the first three months of Roosevelt’s presidency (March 9–June 16, 1933), which became known as the Hundred Days. The new administration’s first objective was to alleviate the suffering of the nation’s huge number of unemployed workers. Such agencies as the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) were established to dispense emergency and short-term governmental aid and to provide temporary jobs, employment on construction projects, and youth work in the national forests. The WPA gave some 8.5 million people jobs. Its construction projects produced more than 650,000 miles of roads, 125,000 public buildings, 75,000 bridges, and 8,000 parks. Also under its aegis were the Federal Art Project, Federal Writers’ Project, and Federal Theatre Project. The CCC provided national conservation work primarily for young unmarried men. Projects included planting trees, building flood barriers, fighting forest fires, and maintaining forest roads and trails.

    Before 1935 the New Deal focused on revitalizing the country’s stricken business and agricultural communities. To revive industrial activity, the National Recovery Administration (NRA) was granted authority to help shape industrial codes governing trade practices, wages, hours, child labour, and collective bargaining. The New Deal also tried to regulate the nation’s financial hierarchy in order to avoid a repetition of the stock market crash of 1929 and the massive bank failures that followed. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) granted government insurance for bank deposits in member banks of the Federal Reserve System, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was established in 1934 to restore investor confidence in the stock market by ending the misleading sales practices and stock manipulations that had led to the stock market crash. The farm program, known as the Agricultural Adjustment Act, was signed in May 1933. It was centred in the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), which attempted to raise prices by controlling the production of staple crops through cash subsidies to farmers. In addition, the arm of the federal government reached into the area of electric power, establishing in 1933 the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), which was to cover a seven-state area and supply cheap electricity, prevent floods, improve navigation, and produce nitrates.

    Learn about the New Deal, the domestic program of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt between 1933 and 1939, which aimed to relieve the Great Depression and reform the economy. Explore the key features, events, and results of the New Deal, such as the Works Progress Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  2. 29 de out. de 2009 · Learn about the series of programs and projects instituted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression to restore prosperity and expand the federal government's role in the economy. Explore the First and Second New Deal, the Social Security Act, the WPA, the TVA and more.

  3. › wiki › New_DealNew Deal - Wikipedia

    The New Deal was a series of federal programs and reforms enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the US to rescue the economy from the Great Depression. It included relief, recovery and reform measures, such as the CCC, the WPA, the Social Security Act, and the NIRA.

  4. O New Deal foi um conjunto de programas do governo dos Estados Unidos para recuperar a economia da crise de 1929. Saiba quais foram as características, o contexto histórico e as consequências do New Deal.

  5. O New Deal foi um programa de recuperação econômica realizado no governo de Franklin Delano Roosevelt e tinha como principal objetivo reerguer a economia norte-americana após a crise de 1929, por conta da quebra da Bolsa de Valores de Nova York.