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  1. › wiki › Freud_familyFreud family - Wikipedia

    The family of Sigmund Freud, the pioneer of psychoanalysis, lived in Austria and Germany until the 1930s before emigrating to England, Canada, and the United States. Several of Freud's descendants and relatives have become well known in different fields.

  2. 26 de ago. de 2023 · Quem foram os filhos de Sigmund Freud? Sigmund Freud, casado com Martha Bernays, teve seis filhos, cada um desempenhando um papel único em meio aos desafios das duas grandes guerras mundiais. Dos seis filhos, quatro tiveram filhos próprios, enquanto Anna Freud permaneceu solteira e Sophie faleceu prematuramente devido a uma doença.

  3. 1 de dez. de 2015 · She was a profoundly influential child psychoanalyst. Still, her main claim to fame was as Sigmund Freud's daughter. What most people don't know about Anna Freud is that it may have been...

  4. Freud's grandson, Ernst Halberstadt, and Freud's son Martin's wife and children left for Paris in April. Freud's sister-in-law, Minna Bernays, left for London on 5 May, Martin Freud the following week and Freud's daughter Mathilde and her husband, Robert Hollitscher, on 24 May.

  5. Youth in Vienna. Because the Freuds were Jewish, Sigmund's early experience was that of an outsider in an overwhelmingly Catholic community. However, Emperor Francis Joseph (1830–1916) had liberated the Jews of Austria, giving them equal rights and permitting them to settle anywhere in the empire.

  6. 20 de mai. de 2024 · For in attributing sexuality to children, emphasizing the causal power of fantasies, and establishing the importance of repressed desires, Freud laid the groundwork for what many have called the epic journey into his own psyche, which followed soon after the dissolution of his partnership with Breuer.

  7. Jakob Freud had had two grown children, Emmanuel and Philip, by a previous marriage. As a newborn, young Sigismund's was already an uncle: his half-brother's son John, born several years before Sigismund, was one of Sigismund's favorite playmates during the Freiberg years.