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  1. Description: SCP-7538 designates a group of sentient stuffed selachians colloquially referred to as 'Blåhaj', manufactured by the Swedish company IKEA. Specimens of SCP-7538 are capable of levitation, travelling through the air in a matter comparable to swimming in the ocean.

    • SCP-7528

      DESCRIPTION: SCP-7528 is an aggressive electronic ideoform....

    • 7000 to 7099
    • 7100 to 7199
    • 7200 to 7299
    • 7300 to 7399
    • 7400 to 7499
    • 7500 to 7599
    • 7600 to 7699
    • 7700 to 7799
    • 7800 to 7899
    • 7900 to 7999
  2. 描述: SCP-7538是由瑞典宜家公司生产的一群具有感知力的鲨鱼填充玩具,俗称“Blåhaj”。 SCP-7538实例能够在空中悬浮,其飞行速度堪比在海洋中游泳。 尽管与典型的大青鲨相似,SCP-7538的行为却和驯养的犬类相似,相当温顺并且可以理解简单的指令。 附录: 记录日志. 在2021年11月9日,一个未经许可的包裹被送到了Site-757,随后被Dr. Mako接收并将其带到了SCP-7538的收容单元。 高级研究员Anthony Clips为此被指派来调查此事。 [日志开始] Clips进入了收容间,同时盯着手上的写字板。 Clips: 下午好,Mako女士。 Numen主任派我来检查一件事,涉及最近到达站点的一个包裹。 显然,我被告知你应该知道这件事,所以——

  3. Item №: SCP-7538. Anomaly Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: All known components of SCP-7538 are held in Event Storage Prima, located 48 km southeast of Research Site Tau, accessible via two concealed surface elevators.

  4. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7538 nicknamed 'The escapist' , is a 6'2 Caucasian male weighing 194lbs. Looks consist of Black eyes, jet black hair in the '60s' style haircut, no piercings or body decor was on the SCP at time of capture or containment.

  5. Nome do SCP: A Árvore de Frutos. Procedimentos Especiais de Contenção: SCP-757 foi transplantado para uma horta no Bio Sítio-103, que está sob constante vigilância. O acesso a SCP-757 requer autorização de um pesquisador com nível 3 de autorização.