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  1. Learn about shamans, a class that can heal, damage, or enhance with elemental powers. Find guides, screenshots, videos, and more for each spec and role.

  2. 18 de jun. de 2024 · Elemental Shaman is a spec with simple fundamentals for both single-target and AoE, with a wide array of customization available from your talents. Some talents allow for Elemental to be very easy to play or very complex and rewarding.

  3. › game › classesXamã - World of Warcraft

    Os xamãs são os líderes espirituais de suas tribos e clãs. São os mestres dos elementos e utilizam magias e totens para curar aliados ou ampliar seus poderes...

    • Overview
    • Class overview
    • Background
    • Culture
    • Shaman organizations
    • Races
    • Specializations
    • In the RPG

    “Know this: a shaman must never demand power; to do so would arouse the anger of the elements, and a shaman without the elements' protection is nothing. Those that follow the path of the shaman must never forget this most vital tenet. However, a shaman that works in a respectful union with the elements wields a power rivaled by few.”

    — Teo Hammerstorm

    Shaman (sometimes pluralized as shamans) are mortal mediators between the very elements themselves. The shaman is a hybrid class, able to specialize in offensive spellcasting, melee damage dealing, or healing. As such, the class is considered highly adaptable and versatile, as shaman are formidable opponents, able to respond to any situation with a range of unique abilities. Often spiritual guides of their communities, these powerful practitioners commune with the ancestors and seek to balance the raging elemental forces. Shaman become deadly warriors, unstoppable spellcasters, and quick-witted healers by working respectfully with the elements.

    During combat, shaman place damaging and controlling totems on the ground to maximize their effectiveness while hindering their enemies. They are versatile enough to battle foes up close or at range, but wise shaman choose their avenue of attack based on their enemies' strengths and weaknesses. By calling on their spiritual power, shaman can restore health to injured allies. They enhance their weapons with elemental effects, empowering their blows with the power of fire, wind, or ice. The elemental force of the shaman can be used to damage enemies from afar with lightning strikes, earthquakes, and lava bursts. They can choose to deploy a wide array of different totems, each with unique effects from improved restoration to greater damage, enhanced crowd control, and more.

    Shaman talents can strengthen their ability to heal the wounded, empower their melee attacks with natural force, or call upon blistering elemental spells:

    •Elemental shaman are spellcasters who harness the destructive forces of nature and the elements.

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    Shamanism has existed since the sapient races first discovered the power of the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. On Draenor, now shattered Outland, the orcs were shamanistic; on Azeroth, tauren were shamanistic, while the trolls had a history of shamanistic worship of the loa, or spirits. Before being accustomed to the divine Holy Light or the potency of the arcane, the human had primitive belief systems that incorporated simple nature magic, practicing crude forms of druidism and shamanism.

    230 years prior to the opening of the Dark Portal, the Earthen Ring was founded by tauren to lead their people with wisdom and maintain the harmony between the elemental spirits.

    Though shamanism on Azeroth flourished and still continues to, shamanism on Draenor was all but extinct by the time of the great crossing of the Horde into Azeroth via the Dark Portal. The greatest and yet some of the most vilified orcs were once shaman, such as Zuluhed the Whacked and Ner'zhul. However, Kil'jaeden, archdemon of the Burning Legion, distorted the shaman's connection with their spirits in the sacred mountain of Oshu'gun, himself taking on the form of the shaman's ancestors to convince the shaman (who held much political sway in the orcish culture) that the draenei were the enemy. The ensuing massacres upon several draenei hunting parties offended the spirits, who eventually denied the shaman their powers. Prior to this, the orcs could easily overpower wandering draenei groups, but the nascent Horde was now vulnerable to their mages and paladins. All was set for the transition. Cut off from their elemental powers, the shaman were offered to turn to the more efficient and masterful powers of the Burning Legion, becoming warlocks. Most of the shaman eagerly accepted, even wise and honorable orcs such as Drek'Thar. As the orcs and Draenor got gradually more corrupted, Kil'jaeden and Gul'dan had a barrier put around Oshu'gun which prevented the ancestral spirits and K'ure from making contact with the outside world. Orcs were also forbidden on Blackhand's orders to ever return to the mountain, to make sure none could realize the deception. This effectively outlawed shamanism and its practice.

    Years later, after the destruction of Draenor and its transformation into Outland, the elements slowly recovered from the turmoil and uncertainty of being ravaged along with the land when the portals were opened. For some time, they were lost, confused, and neglected: very much like, they sensed, a kindred spirit in a certain Broken draenei named Nobundo was. Hopeful that he would be receptive to contact with them, they did so once they recovered sufficiently enough to reach out once again, and found that he was. In an experience that was probably not too dissimilar to the first ancient shaman of other races, the elements themselves taught Nobundo the delicate balance of nature and the powers and truth of the Five Elements. Spending years primarily as a student of the elements, Nobundo would become a teacher himself, seeking out his first students among his own people at Telredor in Zangarmarsh and opened a new path for the draenei.

    Shamanism is a deeply spiritual form of elemental magic that involves a connection with both the natural and the elemental spirits. Shaman do not normally enslave elementals, but honor them, asking the elements to heed their call. Consequently, the power of the shaman is borrowed, rather than taken. Shaman are not inherently imbued with magic - they harness the powers of the elements through ceremonial totems. There is a relation to the spiritual magic of shaman and the natural magic of druids, which is why the shaman were able to hear the spirits of Stonetalon Mountains. Shaman said that all things had a life, a power, a spirit. They are deeply involved with the spirits of the elements — earth, air, fire, water, and the Spirit of the Wilds — and claimed they could sense the life force in earth and even seemingly dead stone. This Spirit energy is what gave the shaman their connection to the elements, to others, and to themselves. Members of the Earthen Ring save this Spirit for apprentice's studies till they are ready.

    During a conversation, Drek'Thar explained to his apprentice Thrall that shaman have a bond with the things of the natural world, thus they strive always to work in harmony with them, with respect in their heart and the willingness to offer something in return. Unlike warlocks who used the fel through their spells, the shaman call for the powers of the elements and work with those who respond, knowing they are borrowed only, never bought. This is their primary agreement, and if they violate it, nothing of nature would ever respond to them again. They request only the barest needs for themselves and their people, and at times, may ask great things, but only when the cause is good and just. In the end, the elements are powerful entities who come of their own free will, and who are companions in their magic, not slaves.

    Farseers are exceptionally powerful and wise shaman that play the role of advisors or take on leadership positions in their communities. They are highly esteemed and respected by their factions.

    Unlike the others, goblin shaman follow the motto of "Controlling the Elements for Fun and Profit". They are an extension of their society's single-minded devotion to making profit; to a goblin shaman, elementals are potential customers with whom they can negotiate and enter contracts. They tend to be a bit more forceful in their negotiations than the other shamanic races would like, though not as forceful as the taunka. Some goblin shaman mechanically modify both their totems and their elemental minions. To shaman of other races, these methods can seem unorthodox or outrageously disrespectful to the elements.

    •Earthen Ring, a faction of shaman from all races dedicated to preserving the balance between the elements.

    •Guardians of the Vault, a faction of orc shaman in Tanaan Jungle.

    The shaman class can be played by the following races:


    Elemental shaman are powerful spellcasters, fulfilling a caster DPS role to blast and scorch enemies from afar. They benefit from numerous improvements to their offensive spell casting abilities, boasting reduced cooldowns and mana costs, and increased crit chance, range and damage dealt for many of their spells. Dedicated casters, Elemental shaman' play is augmented with a number of mechanics rewarding spell-casting, including [Elemental Focus] and [Lava Surge] They also gain some unique abilities of their own, including the iconic [Thunderstorm] - a powerful knockback ability notorious for propelling enemies from high edges in PvP - and their [Mastery: Elemental Overload]. Elemental is the choice for shaman who want to play a ranged damage-dealer and maximize their damage output with their spells. [Earthquake] is another Elemental ability which, while broadly similar to [Blizzard] and [Rain of Fire], also has utility in being able to knock down foes caught in its area of effect, making it very versatile in both PvE and PvP settings when used right. Combining their [Chain Lightning] and [Earthquake], an Elemental shaman can do considerable AoE damage. The most important attribute for Elemental is intellect, which increases spell power. The second-most important statistic is haste, which increases their casting speed.


    Enhancement shaman are melee damage dealers, smiting opponents with elementally-empowered weapons. A unique melee spec that derives a large portion of its damage from spells, the playstyle of an Enhancement shaman is very active and hectic. Using the right abilities at the right time, combined with [Maelstrom Weapon] procs, it's a very engaging spec to play. Signature abilities of this spec include [Dual Wield], giving shaman the ability to dual wield one-handed-weapons, [Windfury], which gives a chance of each of your main hand attack to trigger extra attacks, and [Stormstrike], which allows the shaman to hit with both weapons at once for a large amount of damage. Enhancement Shamans use Maelstrom (game resource) as their resource instead of mana. They passively generate Maelstrom with each auto attack, and can also actively generate it with [Rockbiter]. They spend their Maelstrom through their usage of [Lava Lash], [Crash Lightning] and many other skills. Finally, [Feral Spirit] allows enhancement shaman to summon a pair of immensely powerful spirit wolves which add a fair amount to the shaman's DPS while active, as well as generating Maelstrom for each time they attack (and providing some unique utility in breaking snares, sprinting, stunning, and taunting enemies).


    Restoration shaman are versatile healers well suited for any situation, with numerous passive abilities reducing the casting time and mana cost of healing spells, while increasing their effectiveness. On top of that, they offer good utility (like mana regeneration using [Mana Tide Totem]) and strong multi-target healing through [Chain Heal] and [Healing Rain]. Signature abilities include [Earth Shield], a long-term buff that triggers a heal whenever the target is damaged, and [Riptide], an instant cast heal and an HoT. An important mechanic of the restoration shaman is the [Tidal Waves] buff, granted upon casting a [Riptide] or a [Chain Heal]. This buff has initially two stacks. A single stack is consumed upon casting a [Greater Healing Wave] or a [Healing Surge]. A spent charge makes a [Greater Healing Wave] much faster to cast or increases the crit chance of a [Healing Surge]. This makes careful management of [Riptide], [Chain Heal], [Tidal Waves] and the Healing Wave spells essential for a good Restoration shaman. Restoration shaman are highly effective in PvP and group PvE, the only drawback being their rather low damage output, which can make solo play more difficult. In return, a Restoration shaman hardly ever dies while questing/soloing. Restoration shaman should focus on intellect, seeking to maximize their healing output while maintaining enough mana regeneration to last the fight.

    This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

    Shamans are spiritual visionaries of tribes and clans. These gifted warriors can see into the world of spirits and communicate with creatures invisible to eyes of normal beings. They are beset by visions of the future and use their sight to guide their people through troubled times. Although the shaman may seem wise and serene at first glance, he is a formidable foe: when angered, his wrath is as fierce as those who have a connection to Eternals or nature.

  4. 24 de jun. de 2024 · Learn how to master your Enhancement Shaman in raids and dungeons with this comprehensive guide. Find talent builds, rotation, gear, stats, consumables, macros, addons and more for Dragonflight 10.2.7.

    • Wordup
  5. 9 de mai. de 2024 · Learn how to master your Elemental Shaman in raids and dungeons with this comprehensive guide. Find talent builds, rotation, gear, stats, consumables, macros, addons and more for Dragonflight 10.2.7.

  6. 18 de jun. de 2024 · Welcome to our Enhancement Shaman guide for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.7. Here, you will learn how to play as an Enhancement Shaman in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons: from the very beginning to maximizing your DPS.