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  1. St. Paul’s School, São Paulo (SP) Matrícula: não cobra uma matrícula anual, mas uma taxa de R$ 29.300 que vale por toda vida acadêmica do aluno na escola. Infantil, Fundamental I e II: R$ 6.900 Ensino Médio: R$ 8.700

    • Avenues, São Paulo. Maternal. Matrícula: R$ 15.800,00. Mensalidade: R$ 8.500,00. Infantil 1 e 2. Matrícula: R$ 28.000. Mensalidade: R$ 14.350,00. Fundamental 1.
    • Graded, São Paulo. Fundamental 1. Matrícula: R$ 1.560,00. Mensalidade: R$ 10.963,00. Fundamental 2. Médio.
    • St. Paul’s School, São Paulo. Infantil 1 e 2. Matrícula: R$ 40.600,00. Mensalidade: R$ 9.583,00. Fundamental 1.
    • St. Francis College, São Paulo. Maternal. Matrícula: R$ 700,00. Mensalidade: R$ 9.630,00. Infantil 1 e 2. Fundamental 1.
  2. We are the British school of São Paulo. At St. Paul’s we always strive to be the best we can be. We have the courage of our convictions, essential values, and the freedom to imagine and create.

  3. Which are the main target universities for St Paul’s graduates, in Brazil and abroad? Does the school prepare pupils for the Brazilian vestibular? How does St. Paul's help pupils with their college application?

  4. Missão e Valores. Num mundo em permanente mudança, cabe à Escola a assunção de um papel preponderante enquanto instituição socioeducativa de primeira linha ... Ler Mais.

  5. We have the courage of our convictions, essential values, freedom to imagine and create. This is achieved through our high quality British and Brazilian holistic education which drives the personal and academic development of pupils, within a framework of a caring, inclusive and united community.