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  1. Em 30 de Janeiro de 1933, Hindenburg nomeia Hitler chanceler, a quem o Reichstag (Parlamento) viria a dar poderes ditatoriais; a partir de então, Hindenburg passou a ser uma simples figura decorativa no governo germânico.

  2. Hindenburg was equally outraged, and told Blomberg to give Hitler an ultimatum—unless Hitler took steps to end the growing tension in Germany and in the SA, Hindenburg would sack him, declare martial law and turn the government over to the army.

  3. 2 de ago. de 2019 · Com pouco mais de um mês no cargo, Hitler convenceu Hindenburg a emitir o Decreto do Incêndio do Reichstag. Quando o edifício do Parlamento pegou fogo (até hoje é debatido o envolvimento do partido nazista no episódio), as liberdades pessoais e de imprensa foram severamente restritas.

  4. Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg was a German general who gained renown during World War I and later as President of the Weimar Republic. He is most relevant to Holocaust history through his dealings with Adolf Hitler.

  5. 1 de ago. de 2023 · In failing health, Hindenburg’s appointment essentially gave Hitler dictatorship powers, and when the president died at the age of 86 on August 2, 1934, Hitler appointed himself führer of...

  6. Em 30 de janeiro de 1933, Hindenburg nomeou Hitler como chanceler, e o parlamento alemão mais tarde lhe concedeu poderes ditatoriais; a partir de então, Hindenburg era apenas um fantoche do governo alemão.

  7. 29 de jul. de 2024 · Paul von Hindenburg was a German field marshal during World War I and the second president of the Weimar Republic (1925–34). His presidential terms were wracked by political instability, economic depression, and the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, whom he appointed chancellor in 1933.