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  1. 21 de nov. de 2021 · Chrome is deprecating access to private network endpoints from non-secure websites as part of the Private Network Access specification. The aim is to protect users from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks targeting routers and other devices on private networks.

    • Timeline
    • What Is Private Network Access
    • What's A Deprecation Trial
    • What's Changing in Chrome
    • Recommended Developer Actions
    • Plans For The Future
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec
    November 2020: Call for feedbackabout the upcoming changes.
    March 2021: After reviewing feedback and doing outreach, upcoming changes areannounced. The specification is renamed from CORS-RFC1918 to Private NetworkAccess.
    April 2021: Chrome 90 rolls out to Stable, surfacing deprecation warnings.
    June 2021: Chrome 92 rolls out to Beta, forbidding private network requestsfrom insecure contexts. After feedback from developers requesting more time toadjust, the deprecation is deferred to Chrom...

    Private Network Access(formerly known as CORS-RFC1918) restricts the ability of websites to sendrequests to servers on private networks. It allows such requests only fromsecure contexts. The specification also extends the Cross-Origin ResourceSharing (CORS) protocol so that websites now have to explicitly request a grantfrom servers on private netw...

    Deprecation trials (formerly known as reverse origin trials)are a form of origin trialsused to ease the deprecation of web features. Deprecation trials allow Chrome todeprecate certain web features and prevent websites from forming newdependencies on them, while at the same time giving current dependent websitesextra time to migrate off of them. Du...

    Chrome 94

    Starting in Chrome 94, public non-secure contexts (broadly, websites that are notdelivered over HTTPS or from a private IP address) are forbidden from making requeststo the private network.This was previously planned for Chrome 92, hence deprecation messages mightstill mention the earlier milestone. This deprecation is accompanied by a deprecation trial, allowing web developerswhose websites make use of the deprecated feature to continue using it untilChrome 116 by registering for tokens. See...

    Chrome 117

    The deprecation trial ends. All websites must be migrated off of the deprecatedfeature, or their users' policies configured to continue enabling the feature.

    The first step for affected websites is most likely to buy some time until aproper fix can be deployed: either by registering for the deprecation trial,or by using policies. Then, the recommended course of action varies depending onthe circumstances of each affected website.

    Restricting private network requests to secure contexts is only the first step inlaunching Private Network Access. Chrome is working towards implementing the rest ofthe specification in the coming months. Stay tuned for updates!

    Chrome is deprecating access to private network endpoints from non-secure websites to protect users from CSRF attacks. Learn about the timeline, the deprecation trial, and the alternatives to block insecure private network requests.

  2. 18 de mar. de 2024 · Learn about the security feature that restricts websites from sending requests to servers on private networks. Find out how to test and enable extended protection for web workers and navigation fetches in Chrome.

  3. O Chrome 87 adiciona uma sinalização que obriga os sites públicos a fazer solicitações a recursos de rede particulares para estarem em HTTPS. Acesse about://flags#block-insecure-private-network-requests para ativar esse recurso.

  4. 9 de fev. de 2022 · Goto Edge with below URL edge://flags/#block-insecure-private-network-requests. You can disable or enable from here and relaunch browser.

  5. 步骤1: 谷歌浏览器 打开 chrome://flags/#block-insecure-private-network- requests. 步骤2 : 找到 Block insecure private network requests. 设置为Disabled.

  6. It can be controlled in a variety of ways: the command-line flag: --enable-features=BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequests. the chrome:// flag: chrome://flags/#block-insecure-private-network-requests. the deprecation trial. the enterprise policies: InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed and InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls.