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  1. The Bucintoro was the official galley of the Doge of Venice, which Canaletto here depicts moored between gondolas and other boats beside the Piazzetta. This large vessel, decorated in red and gold, was a symbol of the Serenissima and was used to entertain illustrious guests during the ceremony of the city’s symbolic marriage to the sea on ...

  2. Il Bucintoro al molo nel giorno dell'Ascensione, detta anche solo bucintoro è un dipinto a olio su tela di Canaletto, databile al 1730 circa e conservato nella Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli a Torino.

  3. Bucintoro es el nombre de la galera del dux de Venecia, que en esta tela de Canaletto aparece atracada, entre góndolas y otras embarcaciones, en la Piazzetta. Este gran barco, decorado en rojo y oro, símbolo de la Serenísima, era utilizado para agasajar a huéspedes ilustres y para conmemorar los desposorios de la ciudad de la laguna con el ...

  4. 11 de jun. de 2024 · Canaletto llena el espacio de góndolas dando vueltas destacando sobre todas el Bucintoro, el barco oficial. Vemos muelles, canales, el campanario, las cúpulas de San marcos, el Palacio Ducal y demás monumentos típicos y tópicos de Venecia.

  5. The Bucentaur, or 'Bucintoro' was the great Venetian vessel of State. Every year on Ascension Day, the Doge left the Molo and put out into the Adriatic to perform the ceremony of the symbolic...

  6. 8 de set. de 2023 · Looking across the basin of San Marco, this vast view captures the scale and splendour of a ceremony taking place along the waterfront. Boats carrying spectators and animated gondoliers surround the gold and red state barge or Bucintoro, its upper deck crowded with figures.

  7. 24 de mar. de 2020 · Inspired by a true story, Invincible recounts the last 48 hours in the life of Marc-Antoine Bernier, a 14-year-old boy on a desperate quest for freedom. ‘Return of the Bucentoro to the Molo on Ascension Day’ was created in 1732 by Canaletto in Baroque style.