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  1. Sendmail é um agente de transferência de correio (MTA na sigla em inglês) de código aberto, que suporta diversos tipos de transferência de email e métodos de entrega, incluindo o SMTP usado habitualmente pela internet.

  2. › wiki › SendmailSendmail - Wikipedia

    Sendmail is a general purpose internetwork email routing facility that supports many kinds of mail-transfer and delivery methods, including the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) used for email transport over the Internet.

  3. The comparison of mail servers covers mail transfer agents (MTAs), mail delivery agents, and other computer software that provide e-mail services. Unix -based mail servers are built using a number of components because a Unix-style environment is, by default, a toolbox [1] operating system.

    Mail Server
    Smtp Auth
    Pop Before Smtp
  4. › title › SendmailSendmail - ArchWiki

    Sendmail is the classic mail transfer agent from the Unix world. This article builds upon Mail server. The goal of this article is to setup Sendmail for local user accounts, without using MySQL or other databases, and also allowing the creation of mail-only accounts.

  5. Sendmail, Inc. is an email management business. The company is headquartered in Emeryville, CA [1] with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia . History. The company was founded in 1999 by Eric Allman in Emeryville, CA.

  6. Sendmail est un serveur de messagerie électronique dont le code source est ouvert. Il se charge de la livraison et de l'envoi de courriers électroniques (courriels).

  7. Em computação, Postfix é um agente de transferência de e-mails (MTA) livre e de código aberto que encaminha e entrega e-mails, e tem como objetivo ser uma alternativa segura ao Sendmail, muito utilizado em servidores UNIX.