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  1. Luigi De Magistris (Cagliari, 23 de fevereiro de 1926 - Cagliari, 16 de fevereiro de 2022) foi um cardeal italiano, Pró-Penitenciário-mor emérito da Santa Sé. [1]

  2. È stato europarlamentare per l' Italia dei Valori dal 2009 al 2011, dove ha presieduto la Commissione per il controllo dei bilanci del Parlamento europeo, sindaco di Napoli dal 1º giugno 2011 al 18 ottobre 2021 e sindaco della città metropolitana di Napoli dal 1º gennaio 2015 al 18 ottobre 2021.

  3. Luigi de Magistris (born 20 June 1967) is an Italian politician and a former prosecutor. He served as mayor of Naples from 2011 to 2021, and a member of the European Parliament from 2009 to 2011. He is the leader of the political formation People's Union.

  4. The People's Union (Italian: Unione Popolare, UP) is a left-wing political alliance in Italy launched on 9 July 2022 by Luigi de Magistris.

  5. Luigi de Magistris, né le 20 juin 1967 à Naples, est un magistrat et un homme politique italien, maire de Naples de 2011 à 2021. Fondateur du parti Democratie et Autonomie, il prend en 2022 la tête de l' Union Populaire, coalition de gauche écosocialiste.

    • Nord-Est
    • ADLE
    • 13 juin 2009
    • 7e
  6. Luigi de Magistris (* 20. Juni 1967 in Neapel) ist ein italienischer Staatsanwalt und Politiker. Er wurde als Staatsanwalt durch mehrere Ermittlungen wegen Korruption gegen teilweise prominente Politiker bekannt. Er war von 2011 bis 2021 Bürgermeister von Neapel. Zuvor war er ab der Europawahl 2009 Mitglied des Europäischen ...

  7. Luigi De Magistris (23 February 1926 – 16 February 2022) was an Italian prelate of the Catholic Church who served as Pro-Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary from 2001 to 2003 after working for more than forty years in the Roman Curia, more than twenty of them in the Apostolic Penitentiary.