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  1. The Jerónimos Monastery or Hieronymites Monastery (Portuguese: Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, IPA: [muʃˈtɐjɾu ðu(ʒ) ʒɨˈɾɔnimuʃ]) is a former monastery of the Order of Saint Jerome near the Tagus river in the parish of Belém, in the Lisbon Municipality, Portugal.

  2. O Mosteiro dos Jerónimos situa-se numa das zonas mais qualificadas de Lisboa, um cenário histórico e monumental junto ao rio Tejo, local de onde partiram as naus e caravelas no tempo das Descobertas que viriam a dar “novos mundos ao mundo”.

  3. › en › museus-e-monumentosJerónimos Monastery

    A masterpiece of 16th-century architecture in Portugal, the Monastery of Jerónimos is listed as a National Monument and inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List (1983). It is located in one of Lisbon’s most noble areas, a both historical and monumental setting overlooking the Tagus River.

  4. Donated to the monks of the Order of St. Jerome, today it is commonly known as the Jerónimos Monastery. A pantheon of the Avis-Beja Dynasty, in the 19th century the church became the sepulchre for heroes and poets: Vasco da Gama and Luís de Camões.

  5. The Jerónimos Monastery as it is commonly known replaced the church that had existed on the same site. It was dedicated to Santa Maria De Belém and in it the monks of the Order of Christ...

  6. Mosteiro dos Jerónimos. Monumentos. À beira do Tejo, o apogeu da arquitetura manuelina. No local onde hoje se situa o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, junto à antiga praia de Belém, situava-se originalmente uma pequena ermida dedicada a Santa Maria que fora mandada construir pelo Infante D. Henrique, em 1452.