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  1. Imperial Moscow University was one of the oldest universities of the Russian Empire, established in 1755. It was the first of the twelve imperial universities of the Russian Empire. Its legacy is continued as Lomonosov Moscow State University, which occupies some of its original buildings.

  2. Moscow State University (MSU; Russian: Московский государственный университет, romanized: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) is a public research university in Moscow, Russia.

  3. The Russian Academy of Arts, informally known as the Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts, was an art academy in Saint Petersburg, founded in 1757 by the founder of the Imperial Moscow University Ivan Shuvalov under the name Academy of the Three Noblest Arts.

  4. Imperial Moscow University was one of the oldest universities of the Russian Empire, established in 1755. It was the first of the twelve imperial universities of the Russian Empire. Its legacy is continued as Lomonosov Moscow State University, which occupies some of its original buildings.

  5. Импера́торский Моско́вский университе́т (ИМУ, в 1755—1917 годах) — старейший из университетов Российской империи, учреждённый 12 ( 23 ) января 1755 года указом императрицы Елизаветы Петровны «Об учреждении Московского университета и двух гимназий», согласно проекту, выработанному меценатом и вельможей И. И. Шуваловым при участии М. В. Ломоносова...

  6. So, on February 8, 2024, St. Petersburg State University celebrates its 300th anniversary as the undisputed oldest university in Russia. Meanwhile, Moscow State University will turn 270...

  7. the first of the twelve Imperial universities of the Russian Empire, located in Moscow (1755—1917).