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  1. Janette Sadik-Khan is a leading expert on street design and city planning. Learn about her book Streetfight, watch her TED talk, and sign up for her newsletter.

  2. Janette Sadik-Khan (born April 28, 1961) is a former commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation (2007–2013) and an advisor on transportation and urban issues.

  3. Janette Sadik-Khan. Urbanista. Sadik-Khan ficou conhecida ao transformar, em questão de dias, ruas e avenidas como a Broadway, reduzindo as pistas para os carros e ampliando o espaço para as pessoas.

  4. One of the leading voices on urban transportation policy, Janette Sadik-Khan is internationally respected for her transformative redesigns of New York City streets and rapid-implementation strategies that are being replicated today in cities around the world.

  5. Learn how Janette Sadik-Khan transformed New York City's streets, bridges, signs and lights as commissioner of the NYC Department of Transportation. Watch her TED talk on how she created pedestrian zones, bike lanes and bike share programs in the city.

  6. In this funny and thought-provoking talk, Janette Sadik-Khan, transportation commissioner of New York City, shares projects that have reshaped street life in the 5 boroughs, including pedestrian zones in Times Square, high-performance buses and a 6,000-cycle-strong bike share.

  7. 6 de abr. de 2016 · As estratégias de Janette Sadik-Khan para humanizar as ruas. Em 2008, o então prefeito de Nova Iorque, MIchael Bloomber, juntamente com a comissária de transportes, Janette Sadik-Khan, anunciou o programa "Summer Streets", que consistia em abrir uma rota de 11km apenas para pedestres e ciclistas, uma experiência verdadeiramente ...