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  1. American folklore encompasses the folklore that has evolved in the present-day United States mostly since the European colonization of the Americas. It also contains folklore that dates back to the Pre-Columbian era.

  2. 1 de out. de 2021 · Learn about the meaning and origin of myths and legends, and discover nine fascinating stories from American history and culture. From the Spider Tower to the Queen of Death Valley, explore the folklore and supernatural elements of American mythology.

  3. American mythology is the body of traditional stories pertaining to America's most legendary stories and folktale, dating back to the late 1700s when the first colonists settled.

  4. 7 de jun. de 2024 · American folklore is rich with tales passed down through generations, blending history, myth and imagination. These legends often feature iconic figures like Paul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed and Pecos Bill, each embodying different aspects of American culture and values.

  5. A mitologia americana é um tesouro de lendas, contos e histórias que se passam desde os tempos mais antigos. Essa cultura milenar é cheia de mistérios e fascínio, pois cada região tem suas próprias crenças e mitos. Se você está curioso para saber mais sobre essa cultura, então veio ao lugar certo!

  6. 16 de jan. de 2020 · Stacker scoured American history and mythology from books, news accounts, history lessons, and journal articles to curate a diverse gallery of 25 American folk heroes and the stories behind them.

  7. 16 de jul. de 2023 · The creatures of American myth and legend come in all forms: winged, finned, furry, and more. We have divided our list of creatures into two categories based on their origins. We look at creatures from Native American mythology first, and then dive into the mystery of American cryptids.