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  1. Article 1. 1. This Convention applies to every sea-going mechanically propelled vessel, whether publicly or privately owned, which is engaged in the transport of cargo or passengers for the purpose of trade and is registered in a territory for which this Convention is in force. 2.

  2. CONVÊNIO ICMS 92, DE 20 DE AGOSTO DE 2015. Publicado no DOU de 24.08.15, pelo Despacho 156/15. Retificação no DOU de 28.08.15 e 28.10.15. Alterado pelos Convs. ICMS 139/15, 146/15, 16/16, 53/16, 90/16, 102/16, 117/16, 132/16, 22/17, 25/17, 27/17, 38/17, 44/17, 60/17, 81/17, 101/17, 115/17, 125/17, 131/17, 149/17.

  3. Statutory Documents - ILO Conventions - ILO 92 - International Labour Conference (ILO) Convention No. 92 - Convention concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (Revised 1949)

  4. The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, often shortened to Rio Declaration, was a short document produced at the 1992 United Nations "Conference on Environment and Development" (UNCED), informally known as the Earth Summit.

  5. Crew Accommodation Convention Requirements 92 vs 133 vs MLC 2006 to ensure a sufficiency of air movement in all conditions of weather and climate.

  6. Accommodation of Crews Convention (Revised), 1949 is an International Labour Organization Convention. It was established in 1949 , with the preamble stating: Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to the partial revision of the Accommodation of Crews Convention,...

  7. Ratifications of C092 - Accommodation of Crews Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 92) Date of entry into force: 29 Jan 1953