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  1. Abedalá ibne Abedal Motalibe (em árabe: عبدالله بن عبد المطلب; romaniz.: Abd-Allah ibn Abd al-Muṭṭalib; Meca, 545 – 570 ), foi o pai de Maomé. Era filho de Abedal Motalibe, guarda da Caaba, e marido de Amina binte Uabe, que lhe deu seu único filho.

  2. Saiba ibne Haxime (497? – 578 ou 579), mais conhecido por Abedal/Abedul Motalibe (Abd al-Motalib ou Abdul Mutalib) foi o avô e tutor de Maomé. Morreu em Meca pelos anos de 579 . Principal chefe desta cidade, defendeu-a vitoriosamente contra os abissínios .

    • Early Life
    • Chieftain of Hashim Clan
    • Discovery of ZAM ZAM Well
    • The Year of The Elephant
    • Sacrificing His Son Abdullah
    • Family
    • Death
    • Legacy
    • See Also
    • External Links

    His father was Hashim ibn 'Abd Manaf,: 81 the progenitor of the distinguished Banu Hashim, a clan of the Quraysh tribe of Mecca. They claimed descent from Ismā'īl and Ibrāhīm. His mother was Salma bint Amr, from the Banu Najjar, a clan of the Khazraj tribe in Yathrib (later called Madinah). Hashim died while doing business in Gaza, before Abd al-Mu...

    When Muṭṭalib died, Shaiba succeeded him as the chief of the Hāshim clan. Following his uncle Al-Muṭṭalib, he took over the duties of providing the pilgrims with food and water, and carried on the practices of his forefathers with his people. He attained such eminence as none of his forefathers enjoyed; his people loved him and his reputation was g...

    'Abdul-Muṭṭalib said that while sleeping in the sacred enclosure, he had dreamed he was ordered to dig at the worship place of the Quraysh between the two deities Isāf and Nā'ila. There he would find the Zamzam Well, which the Jurhum tribe had filled in when they left Mecca. The Quraysh tried to stop him digging in that spot, but his son Al-Ḥārith ...

    According to Muslim tradition, the Ethiopian governor of Yemen, Abrahah al-Ashram, envied the Kaaba's reverence among the Arabs and, being a Christian, he built a cathedral on Sana'a and ordered pilgrimage be made there.: 21 The order was ignored and someone desecrated (some saying in the form of defecation: 696 note 35 ) the cathedral. Abrahah dec...

    Al-Harith was 'Abdul-Muṭṭalib's only son at the time he dug the Zamzam Well.: 64 When the Quraysh tried to help him in the digging, he vowed that if he were to have ten sons to protect him, he would sacrifice one of them to Hubal at the Kaaba. Later, after nine more sons had been born to him, he told them he must keep the vow. The divination arrows...


    Abd al-Muttalib had six known wives. 1. Sumra bint Jundab of the Hawazintribe. 2. Lubnā bint Hājar of the Khuza'atribe. 3. Fatima bint Amr of the Makhzumclan of the Quraysh tribe. 4. Halah bint Wuhayb of the Zuhrahclan of the Quraysh tribe. 5. Natīla bint Janab of the Namirtribe. 6. Mumanna'a bint Amrof the Khuza'a tribe.


    According to Ibn Hisham, ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib had ten sons and six daughters.: 707–708 note 97 However, Ibn Sa'd lists twelve sons.: 99–101 By Sumra bint Jundab: 1. Al-Ḥārith.: 708 He was the firstborn and he died before his father.: 99 2. Quthum.: 100 He is not listed by Ibn Hisham. By Fatima bint Amr: 1. Al-Zubayr.: 707 He was a poet and a chief; his father made a will in his favour.: 99 He died before Islam,[citation needed] leaving two sons and daughters.: 101 : 34–35 2. Abu Talib, born as Ab...

    Abdul Muttalib's son 'Abdullāh died four months before Muḥammad's birth, after which Abdul Muttalib took care of his daughter-in-law Āminah. One day Muhammad's mother, Amina, wanted to go to Yathrib, where her husband, Abdullah, died. So, Muhammad, Amina, Abd al-Muttalib and their caretaker, Umm Ayman started their journey to Medina, which is aroun...

    He sired his own sub-clan of Banu Abd Al-Muttalib under the Banu Hashimsub-clan. He was the ancestor of two prominent Muslim dynasties the Fatimids and the Abbasids. At the battle of hunaynMuhammad chanted "I am the Prophet undoubtedly; I am the son of `Abdul Muttalib."

  3. Descendente de uma família integrada no rigoroso movimento islâmico dos vaabitas, anteriormente expulsa do Kuwait, Ibn Saud conseguiu retomar o poder em Riad (1902) e restaurar o Estado vaabita. Logo após o desmoronamento do império turco, durante a Primeira...

  4. ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib (Arabic: العَبّاس بن عَبدُالمُطَّلِب) (b. 56 before Hijra /566-7 _ 32 /652-3) was an uncle of Prophet Muhammad (s) and the ancestor of the Abbasid caliphs. During his childhood and adolescence, he was a playmate of the Prophet (s).

  5. Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib (/ æ b ˈ d ʊ l ə /; Arabic: عبد الله بن عبد المطلب, romanized: ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib; c. 546–570) was the father of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He was the son of Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim and Fatima bint Amr of the Makhzum Clan. He was married to Aminah bint Wahb.

  6. Abu Talib b. Abd al-Muttalib. Imran ibn ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib, (عمران بن عبد المطلب‎), Better known as Abu Talib (ابو طالب‎) or ‘Abd Manāf (عَبْد مَنَاف‎ c. 535 – c. 619), was the leader of Banu Hashim, a clan of the Qurayshi tribe of Mecca in the Hejazi region of the Arabian Peninsula.