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  1. The Egyptian Military College (Arabic: الكلية الحربية) is the oldest and most prominent military academy in Egypt. One of the colleges of the Egyptian Military Academy Traditionally, graduates of the Military Academy are commissioned as officers in the Egyptian Army.

  2. Egyptian Military Academy is the most prominent military academy in Egypt. Traditionally, graduates of the Military Academy are commissioned as officers in the Egyptian Armed Forces, Its established in accordance with Law No. 149 of 2022.

  3. The Egyptian Air Defenses Academy (Arabic: كلية الدفاع الجوى), is the country's scientific military college aimed to supply the army with its need of the professional engineers. It was established in 1974.

  4. Prior to 1958, Egypt had long been without technological military educational facilities. Therefore, the Military Technical College (MTC) was established to aid fulfilling one the basic principles of the 23 rd of July revolution; “to build ... View More.

  5. فى إطار حرص القيادة العامة للقوات المسلحة على تغطية كافة الإستفسارات الخاصة بالراغبين فى التقدم للكليات العسكرية والمعهد الفنى بالقوات المسلحة , تم تصميم وإنشاء هذا الموقع الإلكترونى ليحتوى على معلومات تعريفية عن كل كلية عسكرية مشتملة على نبذة تاريخية عن نشأة الكلية ، الرؤية والقيم التى تقوم عليها كل كلية ، أهداف الكلية ، الشروط العامة والخاصة ل...

  6. Prior to 1958, Egypt had long been without technological military educational facilities. Therefore, the Military Technical College (MTC) was established to aid fulfilling one the basic principles of the 23 rd of July revolution; “to build a strong Egyptian army“.

  7. The Egyptian Military College (Arabic language: الكلية الحربية‎) is the oldest and most prominent military academy in Egypt. One of the colleges of the Egyptian Military Academy Traditionally, graduates of the Military Academy are commissioned as officers in the Egyptian Army.