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  1. Stella Matutina in Feldkirch, Austria, was a Jesuit school that operated in 1651–1773, 1856–1938, and 1946–1979.

  2. Av. Presidente Itamar Franco, 905 - Centro - Juiz de Fora - Minas Gerais | Tel. (32) 3025-8700.

  3. Na história da educação de Juiz de Fora, o Colégio Stella Matutina foi um marco da educação feminina, valorizando-a e abrindo espaço para a mulher no contexto social da época. Somente durante a década de 70 o Colégio passou a ser misto.

  4. The Stella Matutina (Morning Star) was an initiatory magical order dedicated to the dissemination of the traditional occult teachings of the earlier Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Originally, the outer order of the Stella Matutina was known as Mystic Rose or Order of the M.R. in the Outer.

  5. Stella Matutina war, mit Unterbrechungen, von 1856 bis 1979 ein Privatgymnasium des Jesuitenordens in Feldkirch.

  6. O Colégio Stella Matutina é uma escola católica, localizada na cidade de Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais), pertencente à Congregação Servas do Espírito Santo, fundada por Santo Arnaldo Janssen e faz parte da Rede de Educação das Escolas Católicas da Província Stella Matutina que engloba os estados brasileiros de Minas Gerais ...

  7. From 1928 on he was prefect general, later rector of Stella Matutina, the Jesuit school in Feldkirch. From 1935 he held the post of Jesuit Provincial of the Jesuits’ Upper German Province. Rösch was repeatedly forced into conflict with the National Socialist state, which persecuted the Jesuits relentlessly.