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  1. Danvik Folkehøgskole is an excellent example of how the Nordic folkehøgskole tradition helps young people get ready for the future. In addition to promoting important life skills and Christian values, our Norwegian boarding school has built a solid reputation by giving students a foot inside the door of an increasingly competitive media industry.

  2. A folk high school year lasts nine months, from August to May. Most students attend folk high school right after graduating from high school (upper secondary school). Most folk high school students are between 18 and 25 years old.

  3. The first folk high school in Norway, Sagatun, was founded in 1864. As of 2012, there were 77 folk high schools spread across the country, thirty of which were Christian schools. Folk high schools provide opportunities in general education, primarily for young adults.

  4. A brief history of the folk high school. The idea of the folk high schools emerged in the 1830s. The founding father was N.F.S. Grundtvig – a Danish theologian, writer, philosopher, historian, educationist and politician.

  5. Hvordan er det egentlig å gå på Danvik? Se videoen fra elevene som selv går på skolen. Drømmer du om en kreativ jobb? Vi lover deg profesjonell opplæring, relevant praksis og nyttige kontakter innenfor mediebransjen.

  6. There are 70 folk high schools spread out across Denmark's 16,576 square miles. But what is our little country with only 5,7 million inhabitants like? Learn more about Denmark

  7. A folk high school is a non-formal residential school offering learning opportunities in almost any subject. Most students are between 18 and 24 years old and the length of a typical stay is 4 months. It is a boarding school, so you sleep, eat, study and spend your spare time at the school.