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  1. profile of International Independent University of Environmental and Political Sciences, Moscow from the Yearbook of International Organizations, a service of the UIA.

  2. International Independent Environmental and Political University — private university. It is located in Moscow, Russia. The higher education institution was founded not so long ago — in 1992 — which is why it is considered one of the youngest in the country.

  3. International Association of Universities (IAU) UNESCO House 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15 France. T. +33 1 45 68 48 00. contact[@]

  4. International symposium: Societal engagement of organizations and sustainability in Africa: catalysts for resilience in the face of multiple crises? SDG2 Advocacy Hub Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship

  5. Founded 1992. At present IIUEPS is one of the leaders among 400 non-governmental Higher Education bodies in the Russian Federation because leading national scientists work at the university. It has 2 branches and several representations.

  6. Learn about and critically assess academic advancements within the field of environmental and sustainability studies, as well as new policy developments. Capacity to create and evaluate solutions to environmental problems, acknowledging the dynamics between ecological and socio-political processes.

  7. 13 de jun. de 2011 · This review article identifies five research themes in the study of international environmental politics. Among them, the research on regime effectiveness and on transnational networks has the greatest potential for becoming a driving force in the search for new avenues in the analysis of international relations.