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  1. Há 23 horas · Their reunion shows will commemorate the 20th anniversary of The Lost Riots and also introduce fans to some of the new material the band have been recording with producer Jolyon Thomas (U2, Soft Play, Daughter). Jolyon is son of the much-missed Ken Thomas (Sigur Rós, Wire, M83), with whom the band made their first two records.

  2. Há 1 dia · Opening Night continued at Sheffield City Hall with the world premiere of archive film The Show of Shows: 100 Years of Vaudeville, Circuses and Carnivals directed by Benedikt Erlingsson and scored by Georg Hólm and Orri Páll Dýrason of Sigur Rós and the Head of the Pagan Church in Iceland and godfather of Icelandic music, Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson.

  3. Há 23 horas · 1894 in music, 1894 in Norwegian music – Cello Concerto and Humoresques by Antonín Dvořák. 1893 in music, 1893 in Norwegian music – Symphony No. 9 and String Quartet No. 12 by Antonín Dvořák; Symphony No. 3 by Gustav Mahler; Karelia Suite by Jean Sibelius; Death of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Russian composer.

  4. Há 23 horas · Galleries Jónsi, the Lead Singer of Sigur Rós, Aims to Recreate the Sight, Sound, and Smell of a Volcanic Eruption in His New Gallery Show. The Icelandic artist fuses music with sound effect and ...

  5. Há 1 dia · Ekki spurning að við gerum eitthvað í glugganum. Heim­ir Guðjóns­son, þjálf­ari FH, var svekkt­ur að hafa ekki náð í sig­ur gegn KA í Bestu deild karla í knatt­spyrnu í kvöld. Liðin skildu jöfn, 1:1, í Kaplakrika í kvöld. „Það eru auðvitað alltaf von­brigði að tapa stig­um á heima­velli, við vilj­um ...

  6. Há 23 horas · Prim-ministrul Ungariei, Viktor Orban, l-a sustinut efectiv pe Donald Trump pentru functia de presedinte intr-un interviu si, in ajunul summitului NATO din aceasta saptamana, a criticat Statele Unite pentru ca au o „politica de razboi” in Ucraina, mai degraba decat o strategie pentru obtinerea pacii. Orban a comparat in mod nefavorabil politica americana cu ceea...

  7. Há 23 horas · De asemenea, el a spus că Marea Britanie va continua să sprijine fără echivoc Ucraina. Comisia Europeană a pus la dispoziția Republicii Moldova un împrumut de 50 de milioane euro, iar până la sfârșitul acestei luni va oferi o altă tranșă în valoare de 22,5 milioane de euro sub formă de granturi.