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  1. Há 2 dias · Qualquer pessoa que goste de filmes slasher reconhecerá os padrões e tropos tão comuns ao gênero e apreciará os acenos internos às "regras" aparentemente contraditórias do gênero. Graham Jones é excelente em ação em ritmo acelerado, mortes criativas, humor e criação de personagens humanos e simpáticos, com falhas - às vezes fatais.

  2. Há 2 dias · Jones, Stephen Graham. The Only Good Indians SWC. Jones, Stephen Graham The Only Good Indians Ebook . Strtton, Billy J. The Fictions of Stephen Graham Jones: A Critical Companion Ebook . Note: Tech Library owns many copies of Mr. Jones' works as ebooks and/or as print in the Southwest Collection (non-circulating). LUBBOCK PUBLIC LIBRARIES ...

  3. Há 1 dia · I knew very little about The Only Good Indians or its author, Stephen Graham Jones, but I looked forward to reading it nonetheless. And then I started it, and couldn’t put it down, and finished it, and immediately begged my best friend — also a horror fan, definitely more diehard than I — to read it as well.

  4. Há 2 dias · I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones. This unique twist on the horror-slasher genre takes the form of a confessional “memoir” written by main character Tolly Driver and addressed to his crush. Tolly, a teenage boy from West Texas, attends a house party that turns humiliating, sparking within him an all-consuming desire for revenge.

  5. Há 2 dias · Stephen Graham Jones en fait partie ! Institution depuis 1976, les British Fantasy Award ont rendu leur verdict ce week-end pour leur édition 2024. Si le nom de Stephen Graham Jones est connu de ce côté-ci de la Manche, les autres sont des noms à retenir.

  6. Há 2 dias · One day Stephen Graham Jones looked at an elk and thought “bet I can make that terrifying.” And he was correct. This book follows a group of men from the Blackfeet Nation as they are being stalked by a mysterious entity who wants revenge for something they did as teenagers.

  7. Há 4 dias · The winners of the 2024 British Fantasy Awards were announced at FantasyCon on October 12. Robert Holdstock Award for Best Fantasy Novel. Talonsister – Jen Williams (Titan) Best Horror Novel (the August Derleth Award) Don’t Fear the Reaper – Stephen Graham Jones (Titan) Best Novella.