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  1. Há 4 dias · 86-エイティシックス-』(eighty six) は、安里アサトによる日本のライトノベル。 イラストは しらび 、メカニックデザインはI-IVが担当している。 電撃文庫 ( KADOKAWA ) より2017年2月から刊行されている。

  2. Há 2 dias · The 1986 FIFA World Cup was the 13th FIFA World Cup, a quadrennial football tournament for men's senior national teams. It was played in Mexico from 31 May to 29 June 1986. The tournament was the second to feature a 24-team format.

  3. Há 2 dias · On January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members aboard. The spacecraft disintegrated 46,000 feet (14 km) above the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 11:39 a.m. EST (16:39 UTC ).

  4. Há 3 dias · Aliens is a 1986 science fiction action film written and directed by James Cameron. It is the sequel to the 1979 science fiction horror film Alien, and the second film in the Alien franchise. Set in the far future, it stars Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley, the sole survivor of an alien attack on her ship.

  5. Há 6 dias · José Faria (Morocco), Evaristo de Macedo (Iraq), Telê Santana. 2. England. Bobby Robson, Tony Waiters (Canada) West Germany. Franz Beckenbauer, Sepp Piontek (Denmark) 1. Algeria. Rabah Saâdane.

  6. Há 2 dias · The United States is a leader in the development of artificial intelligence technology and has maintained a space program since the late 1950s, with plans for long-term habitation of the Moon. [308] [309] In 2022, the United States was the country with the second-highest number of published scientific papers. [310]

  7. Há 3 dias · 工具. 坐标 :40.46366700000001°N 3.74922°W. 「 西班牙王国 」重定向至此。 关于其他用法,请见「 西班牙王国 (消歧义) 」。 西班牙王国 (西班牙語: Reino de España ),通稱 西班牙 (西班牙語: España ),是位於 欧洲 西南部 的 君主立宪制 国家 ,首都及最大城市为 马德里 。 其大部分领土位于 伊比利亚半岛 上,占到了伊比利亚半岛总面积之六分之五。 西班牙其他领土还包括 大西洋 的 加那利群岛 、 地中海 的 巴利阿里群岛 以及 非洲 的 休达 和 梅利利亚 [9] 。 该国大陆南部与 直布罗陀 接壤;东南部靠 地中海 ;北倚 法国 、 安道尔 和 比斯开湾 ;西边是 葡萄牙 和大西洋。