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  1. Há 4 dias · Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3), thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. More about Zabbix license. This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 7.0.1.

  2. Há 4 dias · Release Notes. Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 7.0.1. 22 Julho 2024. A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 7.0.1. Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3), thus it is free of charge for both ...

  3. Há 4 dias · 25 July 2024. Zabbix tým s potěšením oznamuje dostupnost nové verze Zabbixu 7.0.2rc1. Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3), thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. More about Zabbix license.

  4. Há 6 dias · When the discovery has run the ipmi address is added/duplicated to the list of agent addresses, means for the host entry I now have 2x ipmi address (ipmi+agent settings) and 1x lan ip (agent). When ipmi address is added to the agent the green "ZBX" goes grey. When I delete the impi address at the host's agent settings, it gets added again by ...

  5. Há 5 dias · zabbix agent. 部署在被监控主机上,采集监控指标数据,发送给zabbix server. zabbix proxy. zabbix代理端进程,部署在zabbix server与zabbix agent之间,代替zabbix server收集zabbix agent发送的监控指标数据,汇总后再转发给 zabbix server,分担zabbix server的集中式负载压力。 端口10051

  6. Há 3 dias · 部署Zabbix代理服务器主要是为了让监控工具能够收集远程主机的性能数据并发送回Zabbix主服务器。. 以下是部署步骤:. 下载Zabbix Agent :首先从Zabbix官网下载适合目标操作系统版本的Zabbix Agent安装包。. 如果是Linux系统,通常会下载 zabbix_agentd 文件。. 安装Zabbix ...

  7. Há 5 dias · 文章浏览阅读578次,点赞14次,收藏18次。上官网选择对应系统版本添加仓库路径包安装apt update#安装包Zabbix 有两种工作模式: 主动和被动模式无论是模式还是被动模式,都是站在zabbix agent 角度来说的工作模式Zabbix 监控流程中 Agent 收集数据分为主动和被动两种模式主动模式和被动模式都是相对而言的 ...