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  1. Há 3 dias · For example, the liberal party of acting prime minister Yegor Gaidar (1992), Russia’s Choice, floundered once Gaidar was forced out of government at the end of 1992. Chernomyrdin’s party, Our Home Is Russia, suffered a similar fate soon after Yeltsin dismissed him as prime minister.

  2. Há 5 dias · Indeed, this film takes direct aim at Mikhail Gorbachev, and more especially at Boris Yeltsin, while also putting in a less than flattering light such heroes of Russia’s Liberal movement so beloved in Washington as the leader of Yabloko, Grigor Yavlinsky, and economist Yegor Gaidar of the Democratic Choice Party, briefly Yeltsin ...

  3. Há 2 dias · Estratégia de homogeneização das políticas econômicas nacionais operada em alguns casos, como em boa parte da África (começando pela Somália no início dos anos 1980), diretamente pelos técnicos próprios daqueles bancos; em outros, como por exemplo na Bolívia, Polônia e mesmo na Rússia até bem pouco tempo atrás, com a ajuda de economistas universitários norte-americanos; e ...

  4. Há 1 dia · Speaking at the CPSU conference in 1988, Yegor Ligachyov stated, "Boris, you are wrong". An article in Pravda described Yeltsin as drunk at a lecture during his visit to the United States in September 1989, [92] an allegation which appeared to be confirmed by a TV account of his speech; however, popular dissatisfaction with the regime was very strong, and these attempts to smear Yeltsin only ...

  5. Há 2 dias · All parties registered with the Ministry of Justice have the right to participate in any elections across the country. A list of registered parties is placed on the Ministry website. In December 2012, there were 48 registered parties in Russia; 6 of them are currently represented in the State Duma as of 2021.

  6. Há 4 dias · Separatism in Russia. Crimea, Donbas, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia, internationally recognized as parts of Ukraine, shown with diagonal stripes. Separatism in Russia refers to bids for secession or autonomy for certain federal subjects or areas of the Russian Federation.

  7. Há 5 dias · The 11th edition of the Venice Gap-Financing Market (running 30 August to 1 September) is set to unspool as usual during the 81st Venice Film Festival (running 28 August to 7 September), where the selected projects hailing from Europe and beyond will get to round off their financing by way of one-to-one meetings with international ...