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  1. Há 2 dias · O serviço de Au pair oferecido pelo programa de intercâmbio TravelMate Intercâmbio e Viagem é a chave para que tudo isso seja algo possível. Existe um velho ditado, que afirma que as oportunidades não batem na porta duas vezes, ou seja, é importante abraçar as oportunidades assim que elas surgem.

  2. Há 18 horas · Mozzarella, parmesan, ricotta — they’re all delectable cheeses used regularly in American dishes, from pizza to pasta, cheesecake, and more. But as any proud Italian will surely tell you, these delicious dairy products aren’t native to America. In fact, they all originated from Italy and were first brought to America in the late 19th century.

  3. Há 2 dias · The Au Pair in America program is a great way to explore the United States of America with its awesome natural beauty, landscapes like you’ve never seen before and some of the coolest cities in the world! Are you dreaming of endless highways, bright city lights and huge desert skies?

  4. Há 1 dia · Find out what life as an au pair is like with our real Au Pair in America life experiences program! Discover the USA whilst doing something you love! +44 207 581 7322

  5. Há 4 dias · YOUR SUPPORT NETWORK. With Au Pair in America you can relax knowing we are here to assist you at all times. We offer personalized local support to our applicants as well as having the expertise and security of being a big organisation with headquarters in the UK and USA.

  6. Há 18 horas · I was an Au Pair back in 2013/2014 in Gaithersburg, Maryland, I was the second Au Pair of my host family. Before my Au Pair experience I was working in an office and I needed a change. All my life I have always wanted to work with kids, so I eventually signed up to become an Au Pair. Who did you look after when you were an Au Pair?

  7. Há 5 dias · Dentro del programa Au Pair in America, podrás combinar tus ganas de viajar con tu pasión por el cuidado de los niños y la oportunidad de formar parte de una familia estadounidense. Trabajando como au pair en Estados Unidos podrás conocer desde dentro cómo es la vida en Estados Unidos.