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  1. Há 3 dias · The rule of Jagiełło. The Polish clergy played a major role in the long process of Christianization—the bishopric of Wilno (Lithuanian: Vilnius) was set up in 1387—and Polish knights assisted Lithuania in its military campaigns; nevertheless, the Lithuanians were determined not to tolerate Polish interference, landowners, or ...

  2. Há 2 dias · Sigismund was the son of King John III of Sweden and his first wife, Catherine Jagiellon, daughter of King Sigismund I of Poland. Elected monarch of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1587, he sought to unify Poland and Sweden under one Catholic kingdom, and when he succeeded his deceased father in 1592 the Polish–Swedish ...

  3. Há 2 dias · Jagiellon Poland (1385–1569) Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569–1795) Napoleonic Wars (Duchy of Warsaw) Poland under partitions (1815–1918) Second Polish Republic (1918–1939) Poland during World War II (1939–1945) Communist Poland (1945–1989) Third Polish Republic (1989–present) See also.

  4. Há 5 dias · Parafia św. Jadwigi w Chorzowie – Spodobało się Bogu zbawić ludzi nie inaczej jak tylko we wspólnocie…. Intencje mszalne.

  5. Há 3 dias · Hennes forslag til arbeid for kvinner med polsk bakgrunn skapte ingen entusiasme hos presten. Så ble arbeidsmarkedet i Norge svært krevende for hennes mann, og de flyttet til Sverige hvor de etablerte seg på nytt. Der ble Jadwiga engasjert i arbeid for flyktninger og asylsøkere.

  6. Há 4 dias · Of the territory of Poland in 1772, Prussia annexed 19.5 percent, Austria 17.5 percent, and Russia 63 percent. Almost all ethnically Polish lands fell under Prussian or Austrian domination. The destruction of the Polish state supervened on a period of regeneration and of political, economic, and cultural revival.

  7. Há 2 dias · JADWIGI ŚLĄSKIEJ. W KATOWICACH - SZOPIENICACH. Liturgia. 2024-09-19, Czwartek, Rok B, II, Dzień Powszedni albo wspomnienie Św. Januarego, biskupa i męczennika. 1 Kor 15, 1-11 . Ps 118 (117), 1b-2. 16-17. 28-29 (R.: por. 1b) . Mt 11, 28 . Łk 7, 36-50 .