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  1. Há 1 dia · As criaturas noturnas desenvolveram adaptações fascinantes para prosperar no escuro. Animais como os gatos têm olhos reflexivos que melhoram a visão noturna, enquanto muitos animais noturnos têm sentidos de olfato e audição aguçados. Alguns, como o sim-sim, desenvolveram membros especializados para procurar comida na escuridão.

  2. Há 1 dia · As humans encroach on wildlife territories, foxes have learned to adapt to urban living. Although people have often spotted foxes during the day, they are predominantly nocturnal. Their excellent night vision makes them great hunters at night. 5. Cats. In the dim light, cats see better than humans.

  3. Há 1 dia · Their nocturnal habits and burrowing lifestyle make them elusive and difficult to study, contributing to their vulnerable conservation status. With these 15 nocturnal animals, it’s clear that the night is far from a quiet, inactive time. The next time you hear a rustle in the dark, remember: a whole world of animals is just beginning its day.

  4. Há 3 dias · Nocturnal Animals (Prime Video) Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal star in Nocturnal Animals, a haunting tale about a woman who reads her ex-husband's disturbing novel, forcing her to confront her past and regrets.

  5. Há 2 dias · ある週末20年前に離婚した元夫のエドワードから彼が書いた小説夜の獣たちノクターナルアニマルズ)」が送られてくる。. 彼女に捧げられたその小説は暴力的で衝撃的な内容だった。. 才能のなさや精神的弱さを軽蔑していたはずの元夫 ...

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  6. Há 4 dias · Nocturnal Animals blends together two parallel narratives of Susan's real life and the fictional world of a novel written by her ex-husband.

  7. Há 2 dias · The Chupacabra, a creature shrouded in mystery and fear, has captured the imaginations of many since its emergence in the late 20th century. Known for its reported attacks on livestock, particularly goats, this elusive being has become a significant part of folklore across the Americas. The legend of the Chupacabra serves not only as a ...