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  1. Há 3 dias · DBCollections follows the regular Julia interface, like map/filter supported by many collections, in contrast to…. … tidierdb designed for those coming from R, not from regular julia collections. DBCollections defines no macros, basically all the interface is function-based and composable.

  2. Há 1 dia · Julia is a high-level, general-purpose [20] dynamic programming language, most commonly used for numerical analysis and computational science. [21][22][23] Distinctive aspects of Julia's design include a type system with parametric polymorphism and the use of multiple dispatch as a core programming paradigm, efficient garbage collection, [24] an...

  3. Há 3 dias · A good example for well-considered use is julia’s implementation of ScopedValue. We need O(1) snapshots because Task-creation must be fast, so julia now has a HAMT in Base.

  4. Há 4 dias · A “raster” is nothing more than a Julia array that is georeferenced over a geospatial grid. The “raster” model is popular in the scientific community for two main reasons: it provides convenient syntax to access grid elements within “rectangular” regions,

  5. Há 3 dias · b = py"give_zdt"() typeof(b) # DateTime. # This should return a Vector{DateTime} c = py"give_series"() typeof(c) # PyObject. To do this it seems like I need to write Py(::T) functions to map from Julia to python and add conversion rules to go from Python to Julia. I can't find any examples of how to do this in the context of a simple script.

  6. Há 3 dias · Julia is a high-performance, high-level, and dynamic programming language that specializes in tasks relateted numerical, and scientefic computing. However, It can also be used for general programming with GUI and web programming.

  7. Há 2 dias · MOSEK Optimizer API for Julia 10.2.4¶ This manual describes the features of the Optimizer API, the matrix-oriented optimization interface of MOSEK. Contents: