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  1. Há 1 dia · Somnium, written by Johannes Kepler is one of the most extraordinary fantasies I have ever encountered and lays claim to being the very first science fiction story - beating Jules Verne by more than two centuries.

  2. › astronomia › - Leis de Kepler

    Há 4 dias · Leis de Kepler. Johannes Kepler analisou durante mais de uma década os registos de Brahe e concluiu que o Modelo Heliocêntrico era o correto, formulando três Leis: 1ª Lei de kepler - Lei das Elipses; 2ª Lei de Kepler - Lei das Áreas; 3ª Lei de Kepler - Lei dos Períodos.

  3. Há 6 dias · Johannes Kepler started the calculation in 1599 and found the law after 20 years of work in 1619. How painful it must have been. On the law published in “Harmonices Mundi,” he wrote, “Let it await its reader for a hundred years, if God Himself has been ready for His contemplator for six thousand years.”

  4. Há 4 dias · Descubre los secretos y curiosidades sobre Urano, el séptimo planeta desde el Sol. Desde su descubrimiento en 1781 por Sir William Herschel hasta sus anillos oscuros y sus lunas con nombres inspirados en Shakespeare y Pope. ¡Sumérgete en el frío mundo helado y gaseoso de Urano con la Voyager 2 y maravíllate con sus misterios!

  5. 12 de mai. de 2024 · Film von Susanne Utz, SWR 2020. Packendes Doku-Drama über einen der bedeutendsten Astronomen der Geschichte: Johannes Kepler. Im Zentrum stehen die Jahre ab 1600, in denen Kepler zum Hofastronomen von Kaiser Rudolf II. in Prag aufsteigt und über Jahre hinweg darum kämpft, den wahren Bauplan des Kosmos zu entschlüsseln.

  6. Há 4 dias · One of these great minds was Johannes Kepler, who was born near Stuttgart 450 years ago. This planetarium show illustrates in a powerful and impressive way how Kepler's findings are used in modern space travel to fly through the solar system. We board a virtual spaceship that takes us to a planet whose orbit was extensively researched by Kepler.

  7. Há 3 dias · Kepler, Johannes, 1571-1630 Published / Created 1619, [i.e. 1620] Publication Place Avgvstae Vindelicorum Publisher typis Andreae Apergeri, sumptibus Sebastiani Mylii bibliopolae augustani Extent 1 vol. 20 cm. b&w illustration Edition First edition