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  1. Há 1 dia · Last but not least, Chris Argyris (1923–2013) maintained the idea of an organization as an open system interacting with its environment (in accordance with L. von Bertalanffy’s “general systems theory”), adapting its goals to the demands from its administration.

  2. Há 4 dias · Chris Argyris is an influential figure in organisational theory who made significant contributions to our understanding of how individuals and organisations learn and develop. His work, often in collaboration with Donald Schön , offers insights into the mechanisms of learning and the barriers that can hinder effective organisational development.

  3. Há 3 dias · A model of person-organization relationships has been proposed by Chris Argyris. This model, called the basic incongruity thesis [] consists of three parts: what individuals want from organizations, what organizations want from individuals, and how these two potentially conflicting sets of desires are harmonized.

  4. Há 2 dias · ENFOQUE ORGANIZACIONAL DE Chris Argyris. Los estadios del pensamiento organizacional son una conceptualización propuesta por el psicólogo y experto en gestión del cambio, Chris Argyris. Estos estadios describen las formas en que las personas dentro de una organización perciben y manejan los problemas, las relaciones y el cambio.

  5. Há 4 dias · Ackoff introduced the concept of a “mess” to describe complex systems of interacting problems. He argued against breaking down a mess into parts, as this approach can worsen the situation. Instead, he advocated for managing messes holistically, considering all interrelated aspects simultaneously (Ibid., p. 144).

  6. Há 6 dias · A teoria do Big Bang é a principal hipótese sobre o processo responsável pela formação das leis da física e de todo o universo.

  7. Há 5 dias · É uma metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa que envolve o desenvolvimento de teorias diretamente a partir de dados coletados durante o processo de pesquisa, ao invés de se basear em teorias ou hipóteses pré-existentes.