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  1. Há 4 dias · Psychologist Alfred Binet, co-developer of the Stanford–Binet test. French psychologist Alfred Binet, together with Victor Henri and Théodore Simon, had more success in 1905, when they published the Binet–Simon test, which focused on verbal abilities.

  2. Há 5 dias · However, it was French psychologist Alfred Binet who developed the first practical test IQ in 1905, known as the Binet-Simon scale. This test was designed to identify students who needed...

  3. Há 5 dias · Historical context is also interesting; for instance, one of the earliest methods of measuring IQ was the Binet-Simon test, developed by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon. This test introduced the concept of mental age, which when divided by chronological age and multiplied by 100, yields the intelligence quotient.

  4. Há 5 dias · Inteligência artificial. Artigo: IA acerta se existe vida depois da morte. Pesquisando a vida de cada um de nós, a inteligência artificial (IA) poderá dizer, numa proporção de 78%, quantos anos teremos pela frente. Já se sabe que será possível conversar com os mortos. Início Opinião.

  5. Há 1 hora · Si hagués pogut ésser sospir de flor! Donar me com un llir a tu, perqué la meva vida s'anés marcint, s'anés marcint sobre'l teu pit.

  6. Há 2 dias · O artigo apresenta uma revisão dos principais conceitos e modelos de formulação e análise de políticas públicas, buscando sintetizar o estado-da-arte da área, ou seja, mapear como a literatura clássica e a mais recente tratam o tema.

  7. Há 1 dia · Alfred Binet (1857–1911), France – with his student Théodore Simon (1872–1961), first practical Intelligence test; Lucio Bini (1908–1964), together with Ugo Cerletti (1877–1963), Italy – Electroconvulsive therapy