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  1. Há 4 dias · 曾任第十四、十五届 中共中央政治局常委 (1992—2002)、 国务院副总理 (1991—1998)、 国务院总理 (1998—2003)等职务,是 江泽民 执政时期的第二位中央政府首脑。. 朱镕基出生于湖南长沙,是 明朝 開國 皇帝 明太祖 朱元璋 第十八子岷莊王 朱楩 的 ...

  2. Há 4 dias · 朱鎔基是中國高層內部較為熟悉經濟工作的領導幹部其在經濟領域工作逾半個世紀經驗豐富加上其思維敏銳雷厲風行敢言敢為和要求嚴格的特質與個性使其主導的經濟工作多被高效推進並卓有成效如80年代末期的上海 浦東開發開放 、市場經濟體制改革、 分稅制 改革、應對 亞洲金融危機 、處理房地產泡沫和金融體制改革等。 出任總理後,他推行國家行政部門精簡、國有企業改革、打擊走私等工作,並推動中國成功加入 世界貿易組織 。 在位期間政府運轉高效,也因個別政策的施行造成巨量國有企業工人下崗近千萬計的人口生活艱辛;住房市場化、醫療市場化、教育產業化導致的住房難看病貴孩子上學貴;農民負擔在他當政期間普遍超重,甚至多地激起農民運動暴力抗爭,對社會形成一定負面影響,也使朱鎔基所領導的行政團隊受到指責 [3] 。

  3. Há 4 dias · Deng had been there in 1990 and 1991 and talked with Zhu Rongji, who was mayor and later would run China’s national economic policy, about more ambitiously developing the area of Pudong, to the east of the Huangpu River, which at that time was still relatively undeveloped – mainly warehouses, factories and small conurbations.

  4. Há 4 dias · Both countries must step up to their historical responsibilities to live up to the expectations that their peoples seek and deserve, Wang added. The ambassador also recalled the words of former Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji to his Canadian counterpart Jean Chretien in 1998, who said Canada is China’s best friend.

  5. Há 1 dia · In one of his last acts before leaving office in June 1993, Brian Mulroney hosted Chinese vice-premier Zhu Rongji for dinner at 24 Sussex. Canada was eager to get back to business. The next year, Jean Chrétien would lead the massive Team Canada mission to China, symbolically declaring that Tiananmen had been forgiven.

  6. Há 6 dias · Notable alumni who have held senior positions in Chinese politics include current general secretary and president of China, Xi Jinping, former general secretary and president of China Hu Jintao, former chairman of the National People's Congress Wu Bangguo, former premier Zhu Rongji, and the former first vice premier Huang Ju.

  7. Há 4 dias · Midea's appliance business has been a beneficiary of the housing reform initiated by China's former Premier Zhu Rongji, who privatized state-owned housing, transferring home ownership from the...