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  1. Há 5 dias · Wilhelm Fliess flattered him greatly. But then Freud himself realized that Fliess treated his theories about the nose as the most important element of human psychology and physiognomy. He completely stopped corresponding and meeting with him because he didn't agree with what he was doing. In the beginning, he also experimented with cocaine.

  2. Há 4 dias · During the formative period of his work, Freud valued and came to rely on the intellectual and emotional support of his friend Wilhelm Fliess, a Berlin-based ear, nose, and throat specialist whom he had first met in 1887.

  3. Há 4 dias · Resumo. O presente trabalho acompanha o trilhamento do conceito de fantasia na obra freudiana e na obra lacaniana, considerando a articulação deste com os fundamentos da metapsicologia e da clínica psicanalítica.

  4. Há 1 dia · Sigmund Freud writing to Wilhelm Fliess on 2 November 1896 Confabulation is a kind of cognitive plasticity that emphasizes the present, the future, and the gestalt over the literal past—it occurs when a mind actively modifies and fits its beliefs to a current context, altering and reinterpreting memory data as needed to preserve various psychological elements in the story that it tells to ...

  5. Há 4 dias · But his development of psychoanalysis which is also reviewed in great detail -- is likely one of his greatest professional achievements. This paper also notes Freud's use of cocaine and his gay relationship with his best friend, Dr. Wilhelm Fliess. But moreover this paper identifies the challenges that faced Freud in the latter part ...

  6. Há 5 dias · Wilhelm Fliess bardzo mu schlebiał. Ale potem Freud sam się zorientował, że Fliess traktuje jego teorie o nosie jako najważniejszy element psychologii i fizjonomii człowieka. Całkowicie przestał z nim korespondować i się spotykać, bo nie zgadzał się z tym, co tamten robił. Na początku eksperymentował też z kokainą.

  7. Há 1 dia · Sigmund Freud Briefe an Wilhelm Fließ. Dt. Ausgabe: Frankfurt/Main, 1986, S. 377, 19.2.1899; Sich etwas zu wünschen ist ein mentaler Prozess, der sich maßgeblich auf deine Zufriedenheit auswirkt.