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  1. Há 3 dias · Everything we see in the natural world comes from the unseen world. It’s an astonishing reality that many fail to recognize. Yet, when the natural world fails to provide answers, many quickly dismiss the unseen world as irrelevant. Why is that?

  2. Há 2 dias · Pursue the true secrets of reality. Discover worlds beyond imagination. Invisible Sun is an RPG of unprecedented vision and astounding physical production. Four books (totaling 600 pages) bring this world and game to life. 1000 cards (equivalent to another 200 pages of additional content) support the amazing systems for magic.

  3. Há 1 dia · Syndicate this essay. The neutrino is a particle that almost isn’t here. It has no charge, almost no mass, and not even a fixed identity: it comes in three subtly different forms, and any given particle constantly shifts between them. About 500 trillion neutrinos fly into your body every second, and then they fly right back out without a trace.

  4. Há 1 dia · Its connection to the current reality gives it relevance, and therefore, it can be an important inspiration as a political horizon. However, my understanding of this text is related to how I analyze the reality of indigenous peoples, not as idealized societies but as political entities formed in a historical process, like any other.

  5. Há 1 hora · Entretanto, as palavras que usamos para discutir esses efeitos podem fazer uma grande diferença na forma como as pessoas entendem os riscos e a necessidade de escolhas mais sustentáveis.

  6. Há 2 dias · But for now, our experience is marked by glimpses of this other world—one that extends beyond our immediate grasp yet is intimately woven into our reality. This tension, this both/and of the already and the not yet, defines our path of theosis: a continuous engagement with God’s uncreated energies that honors the profound mystery of divine-human interaction.

  7. Há 5 dias · The Unseen World: Exploring the Mythological Significance of Pegasus as an Intermediary between Heaven and Earth. I. Introduction; II. The Origins of Pegasus in Greek Mythology; III. Pegasus as a Symbol of Inspiration and Creativity; IV. The Duality of Pegasus: Bridging Two Worlds; V. Pegasus in Different Cultures and Mythologies; VI.