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  1. Há 15 horas · Additionally, increase in probability of direct mortality progressing from unburned/low burn severity to moderate/high burn severity for trees within fuel treatments was lower as compared to trees within control units (β: − 2.137, SE: 0.799, p = 0.008). 54.3% of post-fire tree mortality within fuel treatments occurred in unburned/low burn severity areas and 46.7% occurred in moderate/high ...

  2. Há 2 dias · Climate warming has caused a widespread increase in extreme fire weather, making forest fires longer-lived and larger1–3. The average forest fire size in Canada, the USA and Australia has ...

  3. Há 2 dias · By Kathleen Jamie. If, 500 years ago, travellers from a far universe had happened to fly past Earth, they might have noted its clean oceans, its wildlife-rich woodlands and jungles, its ice caps. They’d have seen a human population still confined by the natural forces of season and photosynthesis. No space-flight here.

  4. Há 1 dia · 5. Conclusions and Management Implications. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that fire regimes significantly affect N distribution in marshes within three years. The soil NH+4– N and NO–3– N content, along with plant aboveground–N and stem–N content, increased with an increase in burn frequency.

  5. Há 2 dias · The Burning Earth Sunil Amrith (Allen Lane (UK); W. W. Norton (US)) So much has been written about the environmental crisis that it is difficult to say anything new.

  6. Há 4 dias · From Siberia to Indonesia to Brazil, wildfires are moving underground through permafrost and peatlands, burning up massive carbon deposits. The resulting emissions threaten to worsen global warming.

  7. Há 1 dia · We carried out extensive soil surveys along approximately 1 km-long transects spanning from ring ditches through the surrounding landscapes, and drawn upon multiple indicators, including archaeological artifacts, macro- and micro-charcoals, soil colorimetry, and physicochemical properties to retrace the pre-Columbian history of these sites in terms of occupation periods, anthropogenic soil ...