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  1. The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC; Russian: Русская православная церковь, romanized: Russkaya pravoslavnaya tserkov', abbreviated as РПЦ), alternatively legally known as the Moscow Patriarchate (Russian: Московский патриархат, romanized: Moskovskiy patriarkhat), is an autocephalous ...

  2. A Igreja tem cerca de 28 000 paróquias, a maioria na Federação Russa, Ucrânia e Bielorrússia, e soma mais de 135 milhões de adeptos ao redor do mundo - o que faz dela a maior das Igrejas Ortodoxas em número de fiéis, e a segunda, depois da Igreja Católica, dentre as igrejas cristãs .

  3. Russian Orthodoxy (Russian: Русское православие) is the theology, religious traditions, and practices related to the Russian Orthodox Church.

  4. The Russian Orthodox Church is traditionally said to have been founded by Andrew the Apostle, who is thought to have visited Scythia and Greek colonies along the northern coast of the Black Sea. According to one of the legends, St. Andrew reached the future location of Kiev and foretold the foundation of a great Christian city.

  5. A Igreja Ortodoxa Russa no Exterior (em russo: Ру́сская правосла́вная це́рковь за рубежо́м; em inglês: Russian Orthodox Church Abroad - ROCA) ou Igreja Ortodoxa Russa fora da Rússia (em russo: Ру́сская правосла́вная це́рковь заграни́цей; em inglês ...

  6. Russian Orthodox Church, alternatively legally known as the Moscow Patriarchate, one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox churches, in full communion with other Eastern Orthodox patriarchates. Main church in Russia headed by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Rus'.

  7. Há 6 dias · Russian Orthodox Church, one of the largest autocephalous, or ecclesiastically independent, Eastern Orthodox churches in the world. The church severed ties with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the honorary primacy of Eastern Orthodoxy, in 2018.